
1. **扩张血管**:川弓的主要药效之一是扩张血管,增加血流量。这一作用有助于改善心脏和脑部的血液循环,对预防和治疗心脑血管疾病有积极作用。同时,川弓还能减轻血管痉挛,降低血压。

2. **抗血栓**:川弓具有抗血栓的作用,可以预防血栓的形成,对于心血管疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **改善血液循环**:川弓可以改善微循环,增强血管壁的弹性,对治疗静脉曲张、静脉炎等疾病有一定帮助。

4. **镇痛**:川弓具有镇痛作用,可以缓解各种疼痛症状,如头痛、偏头痛、关节痛等。

5. **抗炎**:川弓具有一定的抗炎作用,可以用于治疗各种炎症性疾病。


1. **与其他药物的相互作用**:川弓可能会与其他药物产生相互作用,影响药物的效果。例如,川弓与抗凝血药物同时使用时,可能会增加出血风险。

2. **茶水的影响**:喝茶可能会影响川弓的药效。因为茶叶中含有茶多酚等物质,可能会与川弓中的有效成分发生反应,从而降低药效。

3. **个体差异**:不同个体对川弓的药效反应可能存在差异,这可能与遗传、年龄、性别等因素有关。


1. 严格按照医嘱用药,避免自行调整剂量或停药。

2. 注意川弓与其他药物的相互作用,避免同时使用可能产生不良反应的药物。

3. 注意个体差异,根据自身情况调整用药。


4. 如有不适,应及时咨询医生。


1. **促发育**:黄喉含有丰富的蛋白质,这些蛋白质对于青少年的生长发育至关重要,能够帮助身体构建和修复组织,促进身体的健康成长。

2. **提高免疫力**:黄喉中含有较高的血红素,这种物质能够增强机体的免疫力,提高身体对各种细菌和病毒的抵抗力,有助于病情的恢复。

3. **补血**:黄喉富含铁元素,铁是血红蛋白的重要组成部分,适量食用黄喉有助于预防和改善缺铁性贫血。


4. **增加营养**:黄喉含有多种人体必需的营养成分,如蛋白质、脂肪等,有助于补充人体所需营养,提供能量。

5. **滋补养生**:根据中医理论,黄喉具有滋补和养生的作用,可以滋润人体阴津,适合需要滋补的人群食用。

6. **佐药作用**:在中医中,黄喉具有一定的佐药作用,可以辅助其他药物,将主要作用引导到特定经脉。

7. **食疗调理**:黄喉不仅可以作为食材,其功效还可以融入食疗中,通过不同的烹饪方法,如炖汤、炒食等,来调理身体。

8. **抗氧化和免疫调节**:虽然黄喉并非野生食用菌,但其所含有的某些成分,如多酚和花青素等,具有一定的抗氧化和免疫调节作用。



1. **皮肤美容**:椰子水中含有丰富的细胞分裂素和月桂酸,这些成分有助于调节皮肤细胞的发育,减少皮肤细胞的老化,平衡皮肤pH值,保持皮肤组织的强壮和皮肤的水分,从而达到美容的效果。

2. **减少水分流失**:椰子水含有丰富的钾和矿物质,这些成分有助于调节体内的液体平衡,补充体内水分,尤其是在腹泻、霍乱、流感等导致脱水的情况下,椰子水是很好的补水选择。

3. **对心脏有益**:椰子水有助于调节血压,增加高密度脂蛋白胆固醇,这是一种有益于心脏健康的成分。因此,定期饮用椰子水可以维护心脏健康。

4. **提升能量**:椰子水中富含维生素、矿物质和营养成分,这些成分能够为人体提供能量,是一种很好的能量补充饮料。


5. **帮助减肥**:椰子水含有营养成分,能够促进新陈代谢,调节血糖,控制食欲,从而有助于减肥。

6. **改善健康**:椰子水有助于减少胃肠道的异常,消除口腔的热量,帮助身体在脱水后迅速恢复。

7. **抗菌、抗炎**:椰子水具有抗病毒、抗菌、抗炎和抗氧化作用,这些特性有助于治疗严重的健康问题。

8. **营养补充**:椰子水中含有钙、镁、磷、钾和钠等电解质,是电解质丰富的天然来源之一,适用于不同生活条件的个体。

9. **对儿童的好处**:椰子水中富含钙,有助于预防佝偻病,治疗婴儿肠胃炎,降暑,杀蛔虫,对皮疹、水痘和麻疹等引起的发热也有很好的效果。

10. **对哺乳期妈妈的好处**:哺乳期妈妈可以经常饮用椰子水,以增加钙的摄入,满足宝宝对钙的需求。

11. **治疗醉酒**:椰子水可以安抚胃部,补充因饮酒而流失的电解质。

12. **有助消化**:椰子水有助于消化系统的健康。



1. **抗氧化**:葡萄中含有丰富的维生素C、维生素P、亚油酸和多酚类物质,特别是葡萄籽中的白藜芦醇,具有很强的抗氧化作用。这些成分能够清除自由基,延缓细胞衰老,从而帮助维持皮肤的年轻状态。


2. **美白保湿**:葡萄中的酚花青素具有美白作用,可以帮助改善肤色,减少皮肤暗沉。同时,葡萄中的葡萄糖、有机酸等成分能够为皮肤提供水分,起到保湿效果。

3. **促进皮肤健康**:葡萄汁的抗病毒能力对体弱多病者、血管硬化及肾炎患者的康复过程有辅助作用。此外,葡萄中的葡萄糖、有机酸、氨基酸及维生素群,可以为大脑神经注入活力,缓解神经衰弱和消除疲劳。

4. **改善循环系统**:葡萄中的营养成分能够有效降低血清胆固醇,减少心脑血管疾病的风险,对心血管健康有益。


5. **维护肺部健康**:对于长期吸烟的朋友,葡萄能促进肺部细胞排毒,缓解吸烟引起的呼吸道不适,具有祛痰作用。

6. **促进皮肤再生**:葡萄酒护肤疗法中,不同品种的葡萄酒展现出不同的功能属性,如蓝布鲁斯科葡萄酒富含矿物质,能促进皮肤组织的再生恢复。


7. **护肤产品中的应用**:一些知名护肤品牌,如法国国民护肤品牌欧缇丽,正是从葡萄中提取葡萄籽多酚等成分,研发出具有抗氧化、抗衰老等功效的护肤品。


It was half a minute before Pepper regained her sight, but when she saw the situation clearly, she was stunned.

See her and goofy hug together and fall on the highway dozens of meters away from the explosion location. There is a shocking blood line behind Goofy. This blood line is as long as their flight path!
Obviously, Gao Fei’s body failed to resist the missile after strengthening, and his body was torn apart.
Looking down, I saw Goofy pale and weak.
"Officer Goofy!"
Pepper cried and leaned over to hold Goofy in her arms.
Goofy was calm and looked back at the blood frown way "lying trough? Is this injury serious enough? Dude, shouldn’t he finally die? "
Pepper’s tears rained down on Goofy’s face. She sobbed, "Officer Goofy, why did you save me? Why are you so stupid? "
Goofy comforted a smile. "Don’t be sad, it’s just death! It’s no big deal. I die. "
After dying for so long, I finally got what I wanted. Gao Feixin is still here. The only drawback is that the death is a bit ugly and I can’t be my last decent.
Pepper was moved and heartbroken when he saw Goofy dying.
"Goofy officer damn it is me, not you …"
Goofy didn’t mention it to her. You, me, whoever gets it will count!
"By the way, Pepper, I have a few last words to say." Goofy took a deep breath and said weakly.
Pepper quickly said, "I’ll listen to you and I’ll promise you whatever you want!" "
Goofy smiled. "It’s simple. I have a little girl. Her name is Carrie. She is a sensible child. The only drawback is gluttony … I hope you can help me raise her. She doesn’t like being adopted by strangers. Don’t let others adopt her or bully her …"
"Rest assured! Rest assured! I will treat her like my own daughter, "Pepper said while wiping away tears.
"Well … I have an uncle, Frank, and you …" Goofy mused, "Forget that old guy, don’t talk to him or he will take advantage of you."
Pepper quickly shook his head. "No, I will take care of Frank!"
"Aunt Wang and Aunt Wang’s daughter Jieqian in our neighborhood …" Gao Feiyue said that the weaker the sound, the less audible it was in the end.
Finally, Goofy slowly closed his eyes and said, "Mom and Dad are home …"
Pepper, however, roared in pain with goofy arms, and the piercing sound reached as far as the East River.
At the same time
There was a violent rock music in the distant sky, and a red and yellow steel trapeze came at a super-high speed …
When Goofy regained consciousness, he thought he must have gone home.
He couldn’t wait to find his parents with his eyes open.
However, at the sight of Gao Fei, Si froze.
Where the fuck is this?
What is bare around?
The surrounding environment looks like the moon’s surface is barren, and the distant sky is dark, and only at the end of the sky are a few dim stars flashing.
"What’s going on? Crossing the wrong place? This is not the earth, is it? It won’t cross the moon for me, will it? "
Goofy almost peed. Is this reliable? We agreed to cross home when we died? It’s a lie. This is!
"All you roll for me! If you don’t give me a statement today, I’ll scold you to death! " Goofy flustered and frustratedly said
However, before Tong could answer, a graceful woman suddenly appeared nearby.
This "by appearance" is not a rhetorical device, but by appearance, a woman suddenly appears before anything just now.
Goofy is shocked, why bring big changes to the living!
Take a closer look at this woman’s beauty! A hundred times more beautiful than any widowed sister, Wanda and Myra! Moreover, Goofy couldn’t tell what race she was, as if she had combined the advantages of all races.
This beautiful woman has green eyes and a hot figure. What’s more, she is dressed very cool and has a set of black than Ginny.
Goofy felt restless. It’s not right to eat chicken. It’s exciting
And at this moment, wearing a black than Ginny big beauty mouth.
"Hello, my pursuer, I met you in an unusual way because you are so pious."
Goofy is stupid when he listens.
What the hell?
Your suitor?
You met me in an unusual way?
What the hell is this?
Who is after you?
Who asked you to meet me?
Besides, you actually "meet" the word girl. You are shameless!
"Who the hell are you?" Goofy asked a face of Meng force.
Sexy younger sister charms a smile and twists her graceful waist. "I am death …"
Chapter 145 I put the death …
"I am death …"
Sexy sister proudly said her name, but her voice did not fall, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed. The surface of the original barren planet suddenly turned into a vast snow field, and the strange aurora lit up, which was dazzling.
Goofy was dumbfounded. This special effect is a bit awesome.

Where can he escape? If Yang Guang wants to greet other human beings with him, Jia Ke is a dead word.

To lure Yang Guang to his companion?
The possibility is not great, but it will make them catch all the creatures from other worlds.
At the end of the day, they are the world’s vanguard of invading fighters, and they don’t need to do much to find a safer stronghold. If the fighters in Linhai City can’t find them in a short time, they can enter the sea.
In general, it is difficult to find them according to clues.
Of course, Wu Zong may have a way, but the great men of mankind have been pinned down by the earl of another world.
Either way, there will be a battle between the two.
Yang guang wants to protect He Yong ‘an to get paid, but also wants to play against creatures from different worlds.
And Jia Ke’s fight with Yang Guanggan is purely self-help. Only when Yang Guang is defeated can he have a chance to meet his companions safely from here. Of course, the development of robbing weapons stores must have failed.
However, He Yong’s weapon shop is too small to stretch his hands.
At the same time, it is not conducive to Jia Ke’s subsequent escape
"Go out" Jia Kekou
"Line" Yang guang natural have no opinion.
Yu Yong took advantage of the chaos to hide in the vault, and no one cared. It’s a pity that even if He Yong brought his mobile phone into the vault, it would be impossible to call the police because the vault was made of different world metals, which not only isolated the sound but also isolated the cell phone signal.
And Yang guang two people quickly out of the weapon shop.
Is just going out front foot Jia Ke a turn around, it should be regarded as a werewolf sharp claws stabbed Yang Guang key parts to be stabbed, that is, like a stout man.
Will die instantly.
But if it’s so simple, what’s the point?
If you talk about the realm of light regardless of strength, then Yang Guang can just throw in the towel, but even the game is divided into low-level situations and high-level ones.
In addition to ultra-high technology, krypton players are dressed in all kinds of extreme equipment and techniques, which is simply hanging ordinary players!
And Yang Guang is now half a kryptonite player. First of all, it is difficult for ordinary people to practice Wushu to a small level at his age, and it is still a breakthrough in martial arts by dzogchen.
Even the advanced martial arts attack power is sometimes incompetent in front of Yang Guang.
What do you mean, half a kryptonite player? That’s because Yang Guangyou doesn’t know much about many aspects, and the foundation is not very solid. This is also a shortcoming of the realm of rapid martial arts. Of course, the lack of famous teachers is also one of the problems.
However, in the face of Jia Ke’s claw attack, Yang Guang quickly turned to the steel knife block.
"bang!" The two intersect to make a harsh sound.
Chapter one hundred and sixty First Battle Vampires
How should this harsh sound be shaped?
It’s like a fingernail scraping the blackboard, which makes people feel a little numb. However, after Yang Guang experienced the scream of female ghost Ma Wen, the contrast can still bear such a harsh sound.
Injakoli’s claws are not steel, but an extension of bone spurs.
But talent makes it harder than it is.
It was this time that the attack was not as simple as Jia Ke thought. At the moment when Yang Guang held a golden steel knife in his hand and his claws met, he knew that he could not match him.
He’s a real brittle mage, and Yang Guang is a warrior’s own weakness. His strength is to die, and the gravity attached to the blade makes Jia Ke almost unstable.
If it’s just a fight and there is a mistake, Jia Ke can think that the other party will try to attack.
But no matter how good he wants to be, Yang Guang is not stupid.
It is clear that this so-called vampire is far from his opponent in terms of pure power.
It’s appropriate to chase Yang Guang, the poor robber, with a knife and cheat him again.
With a wave of his knife, he whistled directly at Jia Ke’s body and cut it off, which was a terrible power.
This kind of savage play is very disadvantageous in the face of an opponent with light figure and extremely fast speed. Because he misses the words, he will lose his strength and get himself into trouble. After being evaded by him, he will find a door to fight back.
But the question is, can Jia Ke find a way to break the enemy in an instant?
He didn’t do it.
Because of the danger of Yang Guang’s quick attack, he couldn’t think about the problem at all, and he couldn’t find a way to break the enemy. He didn’t even have a chance to escape because he must delay a few seconds when he was wearing a wing.
At that time, Yang Guang’s knife will make a clean break with him.
What’s more, spreading his own wings is equivalent to magnifying his weakness several times and exposing it to Yang Guangdao’s wings. He is running for his life, not the enemy.
They can escape linhai city many fighters after the vampire wing but helped a lot.
Who else can do such a thing besides Wu Zong’s ability to fly? Vampire wings can’t make him fly like a bird all the time, but it’s still no problem to fly thousands of meters away, especially in the face of Yang Guang’s attack with a golden steel knife, he can’t cut himself off.
Therefore, Jia Ke was able to resist without hesitation, and his claws crossed directly and stuck the blade of the gold steel blade so that it could not advance or retreat.
Yang guang tried to pull it out, but the blade didn’t move at all, but even so, Yang guang still occupied the wind
Giaco could feel that his bone spurs and claws seemed to be reaching the limit.
Nine times out of ten, his spurs and claws will be broken if he comes a few more times. It is true that the spurs are hard, but it is also relatively speaking. The hardness of the main smelting gold steel knife facing special metals in different worlds is far superior to that of his spurs.

"Yao Xue is going to go back to Da Zhou!"

When the ancient battlefield ended in one year, many monks returned to the wild.
Some people like others and others worry.
Some monks even gave birth to a feeling of dreaming for the rest of their lives.
It was not until they returned to the wild mainland and Zongmen that the haze in their hearts gradually dispersed!
Then one by one news in the fix true world each big super clan door is like a piece of boulder falling into the lake and setting off a thousand waves!
"After a thousand years, the sword emperor was inherited by a monk, and the sword mountain disappeared."
"By the way, more than 100 monks in the poison gate were wiped out by this man, and even the underground demon religion and the glass palace were folded in!"
"So hard! Who is this person? "
"I don’t know if I didn’t bring the Zongmen token. Some people say it’s a handsome student, while others say it’s hideous."
The Liuli Palace and the Earth Evil Sect also got the news at the first time, and the patriarch and the leader were furious.
Both cases sent many monks to inquire about the origin and whereabouts of this monk.
This news has not been digested by the major doors, and the more shocking news has caused the vibration of the major super-clan doors to set off an uproar in the whole repair world!
"Ren Huang Temple appears!"
"The people of Ren Huang Temple, Shenhuang Island, appeared in the three doors of immortals, buddhas and demons to fight together."
"Fairy, Buddha, magic three tianjiao together? Hehe, the people of Shenhuang Island are miserable enough. I’m afraid they will end up in a graveyard. Who will take Ren Huang in the end? "
"All wet! The people of Shenhuang Island single-handedly suppressed the celestial pride of immortals, buddhas and demons, and the situation was extremely tragic and frightening! "
"what! What did you say? "
"Shura Zongyin door purple clouds sent the wind view magic magic teach mixed yuan Zongxiang temple tianjiao department fall! The rest of the clan tianjiao got away with it, and some of them were also abolished, and the foundation of their arms will be hard to have in the future. "
Almost at the same time, the elders of the big doors were shocked and unbelievable when they got the news.
"Isn’t there a seal!"
"Fairy, Buddha, magic three dozen seal is waste? Can’t they kill a monk Tsukiji with one shot? "
"The five seals have failed to join hands and died!"
"psst! The sealers joined forces and lost! "
"The right hand of this Shenhuang Islander is a Shenhuang bone casting with great power!"
"This person’s magic door Motome was seriously injured and dying, and he entered the Ren Huang Temple at the same time."
After hearing the news, all the elders of the main doors were silent.
After a long time, someone sighed deeply, "Uber!"
"I’m afraid it’s too much to call it the first Uber since ancient times."
A palace of primitive simplicity stands in an unknown place in Zhongzhou.
An old man with a ruddy complexion wearing a long gown and wearing a Ru crown lost one hand behind him and put the other hand in front of him. His eyes were covered with a gray mist, which was very strange.
"Did the old man push anything?"
Behind the old man, there was a man with a gray robe and a slightly fat white face, carrying a folding fan with a handle in his hand and urging him to ask
If Su Mo is here, he will be able to recognize the man behind him. It is Lin Xuanji who happened to meet in the ancient ruins.
The old man in front is a man who speaks in the King City of Zhou Dynasty.
After a long time, the fog in the old man’s eyes dispersed and he frowned and shook his head. "Ren Huang Temple did come, but I didn’t deduce this information at all … weird."
"Is there really such a Uber in Shenhuang Island?"
Two people glances feel that there is something fishy about it.
The old man smacked his lips and said, "In any case, the Ren Huang Temple has come to pass. This is a golden age, and the arrogance of the gods is rampant. It is likely that the ancient emperors will merge."
"Of course, it is hard to imagine the disaster! Hey, wait and see "
Chapter four hundred and seventy-three Storm is coming
It’s the middle of the night
Boom, a dazzling beam of light lit up in the depths of the palace, and the glow lit up the whole night and attracted several eyes.
"The geniuses who entered the ancient battlefield came back."

Wang Yue looked at an arm and said with surprise, "This is the innate qi? So strong and pure! The innate qi is ten times more powerful than the acquired qi. I didn’t think that I had completed the water line tactic and broke through into a master. This is a pleasant surprise. "

Wang Yuecai was a master at the beginning, but he was ten times stronger than the first-class fighters.
Now Song Yuanqiao Liu fighters are not Wang Yue recruiting enemies.
Wang Yue may not be the master’s strong opponent like Master Wen, but he is also at the level of peerless master. With the master fighters in a sect, no one will come to provoke him.
"It’s time to go back to dinner."
Wang Yue turned his lightness skill and footwork into a shadow and disappeared into the lake.
Back home, Wang Yue entered the room and frowned.
"Someone has come in the room."
Wang Yue looked at it and found that the fire line was definitely taken away.
"Who took the fire?" Wang Yue is a little worried. He told the extinction teacher and Ding Minjun that the fire line is definitely not perfect and must not be cultivated.
If you practice imperfect fire, you will have a big problem.
"I’ll ask the master and the elder sister."
Wang Yue turned and left the room.
"Wang Yue Wang Yue"
Teacher extinction is anxious to hear.
What happened when Wang Yue was surprised?
Master Extinction came to Wang Yue’s room with Zhou Zhiruo in his arms.
Seeing that Zhou Zhiruo was in a coma and flushed, the powerful heat radiated from her body like a stove.
Wang Yue’s face changed, "Fire will do!"
Zhou Zhiruo should practice the fire line!
"Master, hurry up and release Younger, and I will absorb the true qi in her body."
Wang Yue put a palm on Zhou Zhiruo’s back to guide her body to absorb the true qi of her body’s fire property, and then Wang Yue went back to water to moisten her internal organs and meridians.
Seeing that Zhou Zhiruo’s skin has become white and jade, her forehead is no longer painful, and Wang Yue and the extinct teacher are relieved.
Zhou Zhiruo adjusted his body. Wang Yuecai wiped a sweat. Just now, the situation was critical. Zhou Zhiruo’s healing was more tiring than a battle. Even Wang Yuecheng’s master fighters broke out in a sweat.
"What about Wang Yuezhi?" Teacher extinction asked anxiously.
Wang Yue said, "It’s okay, master. Fortunately, you came here when you were holding Younger. Otherwise, the problem will be big when the fire attribute and qi burn out the heart pulse. Now there is nothing. It will take a few days to practice and Younger will recover."
When I heard that Zhou Zhiruo was all right, I put my heart into my stomach.
"Wang Yue" extinction teacher suddenly yelled at Wang Yue. "Didn’t you say that the fire line will never be perfect? What do you want to give it to Zhiruo for practice? Do you want to kill her? "
Wang Yue looked ashamed and explained, "I’m sorry, Master Huo is definitely not perfect, but I didn’t give it to Younger. Maybe Younger came to my room to get the secret book himself."
In fact, Wang Yue has guessed who gave the fire line to Zhou Zhiruo, but he didn’t say it.

The forest falls and rushes to the warship, like entering the human territory!

"Ling ling teacher younger brother this how to return a responsibility? Sue pool how did she … "
Liang Yu looked not far away and asked Su Mo’s voice trembled slightly.
Su Mo smiled without a word.
At this time, there are also six demons who rushed towards Su Mo. Although they are not ninth-order immortals, they are also in Su Mo.
Liang Yu was about to rescue him, but on second thought, he stopped and didn’t make a move.
He regarded Su Mo as a rival in love, and if Su Mo died in the hands of the demon coach, it would not be his fault if it was just what he wanted.
"Teacher Lin be careful …"
On this, Liang Yu woke up with kindness but did not move.
It was before he finished this sentence that he saw a scene of horror!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Poof! Poof! Poof!
The six magic bandits have just rushed to Su Mo’s near hand, and Su Mo has made moves before the magical powers and secret methods are released!
The seemingly weak student suddenly made a move like thunder and fury, raised his hand and raised his hand, and bombarded the six demons with force.
After a dazzling shot, six demons were lying dead on the spot!
A body was beaten to pieces.
Some heads were smashed to pieces by hammer.
There are bones that have been smashed into a ball of blood fog!
Liang Yu opened his mouth and stared at his eyes with a face of horror.
In the face of the siege of these six demons, it would take him some time to deal with it, but this weak man gave birth to less than a breath!
第二千四百一十七章 栽赃

All eyes hesitate to twist a head to see Wu Yao.

Brother Owl stabbed Wu Yao’s neck with a knife for at least twenty or thirty years before he slowly stopped and lifted his right leg pants and wiped the blade.
"Oh … oh …!"
Wu Yao’s hands full of blood clutching his neck, his eyes wide open, and he kept pumping air into his mouth.
Brother Owl crouched down slowly and stared at him for a few seconds.
Wu Yao is conscious that he can dodge back when he sees Brother Owl facing his head for fear that the other party is stabbing him.
Owl elder brother smiled and wiped her face and splashed blood. She leaned her head slowly and turned her neck to give ear to Wu Yaoqing and asked, "Who are you?" Come and tell me who you are? "
Wu Yao stared at his eyes and thumped, but he didn’t move after he fell to the ground and twitched all over.
The blood melts and the snow slowly expands.
Brother Xiao got up and turned his head and patted Dajun on the cheek and said with an expression, "Go back and continue to raise money for me. I will still find you!"
Say that finish owl elder brother wrapped in a military coat stepped out of his car.
Dozens of seconds later, the old car left, and more than 20 people were still stupefied.
"Finished … finished about big" gentleman shivering at Wu Yao murmured.
Barbie’s murder case was dragged on for four months, followed by Qin Yu’s continuous investigation for a week. A dozen people led the case-handling team upside down day and night to consolidate all the evidence, and Li Si and Deputy Director Dong supported it, but in the end they failed to get anything from Wu Yao!
At this moment, an owl who is more fierce than Wu Yao can’t put Wu Wensheng in his eyes was born!
He didn’t leave the program, he didn’t talk about evidence, and he did it in less than 20 seconds. Anyone can endure this, Wu Yao!
Chapter one hundred and sixty-five Don’t miss the opportunity, elder brother
peaceful and tranquil
Wu Wensheng looked at the neck stabbed as stiff as honeycomb briquette, lying in the morgue bed with dull expression and dilated eyes and pupils.
Yuan Ke Yin face with words to drink and asked, "Where is the peace? You tell me the specific address … has his father passed? Ok, that’s it. "
Hang up and look at Yuan Ke with a bald head and ask, "Is it peaceful in the district hospital?"
"Yes" Yuan Ke nodded.
"I wonder if it’s not me … why isn’t he?" Bald and blank-faced, "Didn’t people just get released from the superintendent’s office? How did they get into peace directly?"
Yuan Keyu frowned for a long time and replied, "I heard that a few unfamiliar faces were killed with knives because of selling guns for money."
"He is also the boss’s size. Is he still handling the gun payment personally?" Bald still can’t figure out "how much is it, millions?"
"ten thousand"
"How much? Wan? !” Bald expression consternation "zha that ten thousand dollars to print his head? Isn’t this a fucking psycho? The contradiction of ten thousand dollars is still the whole life? "
"It’s not about money, it’s about being B-loaded, and I’m particularly angry." Yuan Keqing explained, "I specifically asked someone in Wu Yao and told them that they wanted money, but Wu Yao not only didn’t give it back, but they stabbed him in the neck as soon as they took out their knives."
"… these two years they are really too gone with the wind." Bald intervened and replied, "After Wu Wensheng was elected as the chief councillor, Jiangnan District, but all the jobs that earned big money were done by them. Wu Yao was used to being praised at ordinary times and didn’t know who he was after drinking a little wine."
"He’s too fragile." Yuan Ke was very angry. "I just talked with him about the joint business, and the goods were all laid, but he suddenly rose to heaven. Mom, our luck is really bad this year."
"What do you think of him without you?" Car Xiao JIU asked 1
"We can eat two of the five major areas of Songjiang now," Yuan Keqing replied. "To meet the sales quota of Longxing, we must enter Jiangnan, and it is very important that Wu Wensheng has a hard political background in Jiangnan. If he can play with us, Xing Pang will reassess our influence in Songjiang."
"Wu Yao is easy to talk about, but Wu Wensheng is a wily old fox." Bald thoughtfully said after a long time, "It’s not good to say whether a small man can continue to get along with us."
"Say, we have to take this opportunity to walk with Lao Wuqin." Yuan Ke squinted and turned to look out of the window and said, "If we can dig out the man who killed his son and avenge him, it will be easy to talk about the rest."
"Difficult" Xiao Jiu shook his head and replied, "Killing Ray didn’t care about Wu Yao’s identity at all, which means they are probably from outside the area, but now something has happened and people may have run away early."
"Do your best to listen to your destiny," Yuan Ke stepped in and responded. "Should you have a close attitude or not?"
"Well" Xiao Jiu nodded.
After about twenty minutes.
Wu Wensheng was helped out of Taiping, followed by many Jiangnan police officers and some social friends.
Car stagnation Yuan Ke and others pushed the door and rushed to the head and walked past.
Wu Wensheng saw his one eye also really can’t afford to greet.
"I also just heard that Wu Shu … I’m sorry for your loss." Yuan Ke said before his expression was sad.
Wu Wensheng feels that it is difficult to breathe at the moment, but he can also cheer up and look back at the people and say, "… I … I went back to everything and thank you again after these two days."