
1. **高脂肪含量**:芝麻的脂肪油含量高达61.7%,其中主要成分包括油酸、亚油酸、棕榈酸和甘油脂,这些成分有助于提高心血管健康。

2. **丰富的蛋白质**:每100克芝麻含有21.9克蛋白质,与瘦肉中的蛋白质含量相似,对维持身体健康至关重要。

3. **钙、磷、铁等矿物质**:芝麻含有较高的钙、磷、铁等矿物质,其中铁含量尤为突出,每100克芝麻含有约50毫克铁,有助于预防缺铁性贫血。

4. **维生素E**:芝麻含有丰富的维生素E,这是一种强大的抗氧化剂,有助于延缓衰老、保持皮肤细腻白皙。

5. **补肝肾**:芝麻有补肝肾的作用,对于肝肾不足导致的头晕目眩、视物模糊、腰膝酸软、耳聋耳鸣等症状有缓解作用。

6. **益精血**:芝麻有益精血的功效,适合乌发早白、产后贫血、乳汁少而稀的患者食用。

7. **调节胆固醇**:芝麻中的亚酸油有调节胆固醇的作用,对心血管健康有益。

8. **美容养颜**:芝麻中的维生素E和矿物质有助于美容养颜,使皮肤细腻白皙。

9. **润肠通便**:芝麻中的膳食纤维有助于润肠通便,对预防便秘有积极作用。

10. **促进骨骼发育**:芝麻中的矿物质有助于骨骼和牙齿的发育。

11. **预防高血压**:芝麻中的成分有助于预防高血压。

12. **预防皮肤炎症**:芝麻中的成分有助于防治皮肤炎症,使皮肤白皙润泽。


13. **其他功效**:芝麻还具有滋补养生、延年益寿、预防高血压等功效。




1. **生津止渴**:杏皮水具有很好的生津止渴效果,适合在夏季饮用,能够缓解口干舌燥的不适感。

2. **润肺定喘**:对于口燥咽干、肺燥干咳、喘促气短等症状,杏皮水具有一定的缓解作用,适用于治疗因阴虚引起的五心烦热和潮热。


3. **预防心脏病**:杏皮水中含有的类黄酮成分有助于预防心脏病,减少心肌梗塞的发生率。

4. **降低慢性疾病发生率**:杏皮水中富含维生素C和多酚,这些成分有助于降低多种慢性疾病的发生。



5. **营养价值**:杏皮水味道酸甜,性温和。杏肉含有糖、蛋白质、钙、磷、胡萝卜素、硫胺素、核黄素、尼克酸及维生素C等营养成分。杏仁则含有苦杏仁甙、酶及脂肪油等成分,都是对人体有益的营养素。

6. **辅助治疗肺部疾病**:杏皮水可以缓解咳嗽、哮喘等症状,对于肺部疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **增强免疫力**:杏皮水中含有的维生素C能够帮助机体清除体内的自由基,减少自由基对机体内细胞的损害,从而增强各脏器的功能。

8. **消暑解热**:在炎热的夏季,杏皮水可以帮助消暑解热,带来清凉感。



1. **驱寒散寒**:紫苏性温,具有很好的驱寒作用。在寒冷的天气或身体受寒时,通过紫苏足浴可以帮助驱除体内的寒气,缓解因受寒引起的各种不适。

2. **缓解感冒症状**:紫苏具有解表散寒的功效,适合在感冒初期使用。泡脚时加入紫苏,可以帮助缓解感冒引起的咳嗽、鼻塞等症状。

3. **促进血液循环**:紫苏足浴能够促进足部血液循环,有助于改善手脚冰凉、血液循环不畅等问题。

4. **舒缓疲劳**:长时间站立或行走后,足浴可以缓解脚部疲劳,帮助身体放松,减轻肌肉酸痛。

5. **改善睡眠质量**:足浴能刺激足底穴位,有助于舒缓神经,促进睡眠,对于因压力和焦虑导致的睡眠问题有一定的改善作用。


6. **增强免疫力**:紫苏足浴可以增强身体的免疫力,对于预防感冒和其他疾病有一定的辅助作用。

7. **促进新陈代谢**:足浴通过温热作用,可以加速新陈代谢,有助于排出体内毒素,对身体健康有益。

– 取紫苏叶90克、干姜10克,用1500毫升清水泡5分钟,煎沸后取药液。
– 将药液倒入脚盆中,先熏蒸,待水温适宜时泡洗双脚。
– 每次泡脚时间建议为30分钟,每天早晚各一次,连续进行10天为一个疗程。

– 泡脚时水温不宜过高,以免烫伤皮肤。
– 有皮肤病、心脏病、高血压等疾病的患者,在使用紫苏足浴前应咨询医生。
– 坚持长期泡脚,效果更佳。



1. **杀菌消炎**:艾熏过程中产生的药性烟雾具有较强的杀菌消炎作用,可用于治疗痔疮、前列腺炎、水泡、阴道炎等疾病。

2. **排毒减肥**:艾熏能促进全身血液循环,有助于将体内的废物和毒素排出,对改善便秘、脂肪堆积等问题有一定的效果。

3. **美容作用**:艾条中含有的营养成分如维生素、钙等,在艾熏过程中也能帮助美容养颜。

4. **镇痛作用**:艾熏通过促进淋巴液和下腹部血液的循环,能缓解腹痛、痛经和神经痛等症状。

5. **收缩作用**:对于女性而言,艾熏可以强化阴道和子宫的收缩,尤其是在生产后,有助于身体恢复。


6. **提高免疫力**:艾熏能增加人体的白细胞,有助于加快患病部位细胞的再生速度。

7. **温经散寒**:艾熏能温经散寒,扶阳固脱,适用于因外感寒邪导致的疾病,如小腹冷痛、月经不调、宫寒不孕等。

8. **消瘀散结**:艾熏有助于消散体内的瘀血和结节。

9. **防病保健**:艾熏能够调整脏腑功能,促进新陈代谢,增强免疫,起到防病保健的作用。


10. **其他作用**:艾熏还有助于提神醒脑,驱蚊防蚊等。



1. **抗癌作用**:薏米中含有薏米酯和亚油酸,这些成分被认为具有抗癌效果。在日本,薏米被看作是典型的抗癌食品,对于减轻肿瘤患者放化疗的毒副作用也有帮助。

2. **健脾胃**:薏米具有健脾、补肺、清热、利湿的功效,对于脾胃不好、食欲不振、消化能力减退的人有很好的食疗效果。

3. **促进生长发育**:花生中的钙含量高,有助于骨骼的健康,可以促进人体的生长发育。

4. **促进细胞生长提高智力**:花生蛋白中含有多种氨基酸,尤其是赖氨酸,有助于提高儿童的智力,而谷氨酸和天门冬氨酸可以促进细胞发育和增强大脑的记忆能力。

5. **抗老防衰**:花生中含有的儿茶素和赖氨酸有助于抗老防衰,经常食用花生可以延缓衰老。

6. **利湿消肿**:薏米和红豆都有利水消肿的作用,对于身体水肿、尿频等症状有一定的改善作用。

7. **改善食欲**:花生具有醒脾和胃的作用,可以增进食欲。


8. **调节身体机能**:薏米、花生和红豆等食材结合,可以起到健脾、益气、化湿的效果,适用于湿浊、脾虚的患者。

9. **增强免疫力**:薏米和花生均具有一定的增强免疫力的作用。

10. **降血脂和降血压**:薏米中的粗纤维有助于降血脂和帮助消化,花生中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低总胆固醇和有害胆固醇含量。




1. **扩张血管**:川弓的主要药效之一是扩张血管,增加血流量。这一作用有助于改善心脏和脑部的血液循环,对预防和治疗心脑血管疾病有积极作用。同时,川弓还能减轻血管痉挛,降低血压。

2. **抗血栓**:川弓具有抗血栓的作用,可以预防血栓的形成,对于心血管疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **改善血液循环**:川弓可以改善微循环,增强血管壁的弹性,对治疗静脉曲张、静脉炎等疾病有一定帮助。

4. **镇痛**:川弓具有镇痛作用,可以缓解各种疼痛症状,如头痛、偏头痛、关节痛等。

5. **抗炎**:川弓具有一定的抗炎作用,可以用于治疗各种炎症性疾病。


1. **与其他药物的相互作用**:川弓可能会与其他药物产生相互作用,影响药物的效果。例如,川弓与抗凝血药物同时使用时,可能会增加出血风险。

2. **茶水的影响**:喝茶可能会影响川弓的药效。因为茶叶中含有茶多酚等物质,可能会与川弓中的有效成分发生反应,从而降低药效。

3. **个体差异**:不同个体对川弓的药效反应可能存在差异,这可能与遗传、年龄、性别等因素有关。


1. 严格按照医嘱用药,避免自行调整剂量或停药。

2. 注意川弓与其他药物的相互作用,避免同时使用可能产生不良反应的药物。

3. 注意个体差异,根据自身情况调整用药。


4. 如有不适,应及时咨询医生。

The forest falls and rushes to the warship, like entering the human territory!

"Ling ling teacher younger brother this how to return a responsibility? Sue pool how did she … "
Liang Yu looked not far away and asked Su Mo’s voice trembled slightly.
Su Mo smiled without a word.
At this time, there are also six demons who rushed towards Su Mo. Although they are not ninth-order immortals, they are also in Su Mo.
Liang Yu was about to rescue him, but on second thought, he stopped and didn’t make a move.
He regarded Su Mo as a rival in love, and if Su Mo died in the hands of the demon coach, it would not be his fault if it was just what he wanted.
"Teacher Lin be careful …"
On this, Liang Yu woke up with kindness but did not move.
It was before he finished this sentence that he saw a scene of horror!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Poof! Poof! Poof!
The six magic bandits have just rushed to Su Mo’s near hand, and Su Mo has made moves before the magical powers and secret methods are released!
The seemingly weak student suddenly made a move like thunder and fury, raised his hand and raised his hand, and bombarded the six demons with force.
After a dazzling shot, six demons were lying dead on the spot!
A body was beaten to pieces.
Some heads were smashed to pieces by hammer.
There are bones that have been smashed into a ball of blood fog!
Liang Yu opened his mouth and stared at his eyes with a face of horror.
In the face of the siege of these six demons, it would take him some time to deal with it, but this weak man gave birth to less than a breath!
第二千四百一十七章 栽赃

The wind soul looked at Long Ge’s body being buried in the center of the earth.

This woman has given her whole heart to the wind soul.
The wind soul has no chance to return to her.
As soon as the funeral was over, he took Huihong and Yinniang to the wild land to prepare the horse, and asked Zheng Lao and Mr. Feng Daochang and others to launch all their efforts to find Grandma Rui and the hag family she led.
After flying out of the quarrying island, Hui Hong looked back and whispered, "Eldest brother, they seem to have some things left unsaid."
The wind soul nodded. "They said that colorful stone’s spirituality has not yet turned into their seven sisters, and everyone except the seventh princess has picked the fruit of Wen Yushu. But since the seventh princess has not appeared, she has died in the belly of the serpent, but can she be reborn?"
Hui Hong said, "The Seventh Princess must have appeared but disappeared for some reason. If she didn’t appear, there would be no water princess. If she didn’t disappear, since she inherited the spiritual power of Nu Wa Empress, how could Grandma Ming Rui so easily lead people into the girl country to kill Long Ge and the jade ruler and steal colorful stone?"
Wind Soul said, "In fact, they also know that this will definitely make us wonder. Since they don’t explain it, there must be reasons why they can’t explain it. It’s hard for us to believe that they will tell us about colorful stone. After all, once this kind of thing leaks out, it’s hard to guarantee that no one will cause more troubles by spying on colorful stone’s power. The most important thing for us now is to find colorful stone for them."
Hui Hong nodded.
The wind soul added, "And I believe that their Seven Princesses not only appeared on the pontoon bridge in the sky to help us defeat Yi Lu Nuo Zun, but most of them are also her. Not everyone can stop Tian Cong Yun Jian and Tian Qiong spear at the same time in Tai Su, and not everyone can fight against Yi Lu Nuo Zun, who has already been closed in Tai Su. Now that she has helped us, we should also help her."
There is another thing he didn’t say, that is, he now believes that the picture he saw at that time was not an illusion. When attacking the Tianqiao Bridge, Qingnang and Feng Zhixin really appeared there.
Saving others in an emergency must be Feng Zhixin.
Feng Zhixin … is the seventh princess in the girl country!
Back to the wild land, the wind soul immediately made people look around for the yaksha clan to fall.
Although more people have been sent, the yakuza people led by Grandma Mingrui are like bandits hiding around in the sky for a while. Do you want to find them and talk about it? Although every time I think of Runge’s dead soul, I regret it at this time, but I can’t do anything about it
Because the Eastern Heaven has been in chaos for more than 300 years, although it is now settled down, there are still many trivial matters to be dealt with, and it is impossible for Zheng Lao and others to do all these things. When he saw Yan Hua Xian Yue Hua, he was really too busy, but not many people were too busy to help her, so he gave it to Dongyue Taishan Tianziren Holy Palace. It was not long before Dongyue Emperor agreed to his request to transfer the female official Lu Miao Dian of Jiuyi Mountain.
Lu Miao Dian Hui Hong is familiar with and has been given magical powers by the wind and soul. I am grateful for everything. It is naturally much easier to have her to sacrifice this part of Yuet Hua.
It’s natural that it doesn’t involve bureaucratic system, exam selection and punishment. The proposal was originally intended to imitate the Shang Dynasty’s official position, merge the civil and military posts into the Nine Nobles, and then govern the political affairs. When going out for war, I will consider it for a while, or I will adopt Zheng Lao’s opinion. Although I respect Xuanyuan Huangdi’s famous officials, I will divide the civil and military posts into Taia, Taibao and Taiyin Sanyun, namely Zheng Lao, Zhong Hua, and Huo Feng, with six Nobles and three great generals.
Among the six Qing Dynasties, Yue Hua bears Tai Yunzai in charge of all kinds of politics; Lu Miao Dian Yun Zhu Zhang prayed and sacrificed; Fish Mountain, Jiuyin Princess, Liuhua Princess, Yunbu palm the cat’s life; Originally, he was killed in the Tianqiao Bridge, and later he was transferred to the East Pole of Shinto by Mount Tai in Dongyue. Shan Yao Xianhu Zhongtian was sealed by the wind soul to manage Ying Zhao and other kinds of beasts. Princess Chichen, the daughter country, took charge of the calendar and recorded the original history. She hoped that Chichen would take the post of Taiyun Slayer. However, she repeatedly refused Naifeng Soul to ask her to do the basic work. Yunzhen Chichen’s refusal was not acceptable. Then she was surprised to learn that in a meeting in which she was not present, everyone agreed to govern the six Qing Dynasties. As a result, some clerical duties, such as Rank Zong and Ran Yan, which should be "Yunzhen" anyway, were assigned to her. Because she was not present at the time, it was easy to recognize the opposition afterwards.
The last one of the six Qing Dynasties, Yun Shi, is not to worship heaven and earth, but to worship Sanqing. Usually, there is something to do. Let Hui Hong bear her burden. She is Yun Huaxian, Yao Ji’s younger brother. Everyone knows that she has a good way and naturally has nothing to say.
Wu Zhi is composed of three generals, namely, Nangong Zhujian, Yuanliang and Sunlingxiu. They all showed their strength and loyalty in this high-altitude struggle. In fact, Sunlingxiu is not only good at military strategy and arranging troops, but also very good at all kinds of politics. Considering that Nangong Zhujian and Yuanliang have shortcomings in strategy, it is still necessary for Sunlingxiu, a strategist, to make up for it.
What puzzles everyone is that Xue Honglian has been shining brilliantly in this war, but he has not been ordained as a priest, nor has he been assigned to a post. The explanation is that these three disciples still need more experience, and they have their own apprentices, so it is not appropriate to take up important positions.
The soul of stroke in Qingyuan Palace sat on the couch and looked at the three female apprentices in front of her. The red line was still red, red skirt and red applique. The hidden mother was changed into a colorful dress, as beautiful as an orchid, and the spirit was condensed in a double bun, flying in Xiangyun skirt and feet, and there was another charm.
When the three female apprentices saw that Master had called them, they didn’t say that they couldn’t help looking at each other first. Before the red line curled up, they called out, "Master, what are you doing for us?"
The wind and the soul are angry. "When did I ever let you do anything improper?"
"Hum," the red line said, "When I just got back, you asked Sister Bath Moon to inform me to see you. I also said, Master, what’s important for you? As a result, when I found you, you were taking a bath. The so-called important thing is to ask me to wipe your back …"
A dry cough of the wind and soul is right
Ling Ning and Yin Niang didn’t know this kind of thing yet. Yin Niang couldn’t help but ask timidly, "So, the elder martial sister, did you help Master clean it?"
Wind soul black face way "without her, I put aside my clothes and chopped them and turned around and left, which made me go back to the house to dress naked."
Ling Ning and Yin Niang secretly laughed together. Ling Ning said, "It’s all Master, you are not serious."
Yin Niang timidly tunnel "is".
Wind soul sweat a hurriedly change the subject, "gossip Hugh I’ll tell you the red line. These days, you’ve been making a lot of contributions for my crusade to the west, and you haven’t been rewarded yet …"
Red line stand hand "don’t"
The wind soul said, "Don’t want anything?"
"Don’t give me a reward, Master." The red line turned a supercilious look. "Master, you must give me a kiss. I found a good dress and wanted to help me wear it myself. Let me lie down and massage me. I don’t want this kind of thing."
"Hey," Feng Soul sighed with a headache pressing his head. "How did the teacher become such an image in your mind?"
The red line looked at each other in a different way. "You’ve never been serious, Master."
Yin Niang is still a timid tunnel "just, is"
Get down!
"Forget it," said the red-line vendor. "Let’s leave this kind of thing alone. Tell me, Master, what do you want us to do?"
The wind soul continues to sigh.
Look at her attitude … Who is the master?
Let’s continue to change the subject. Feng Soul looked at the three female disciples and said, "There are many things to do recently, but the most important thing is to find those hags to find the sky and avenge Long Ge. Those people can’t hide for a while, and there is another thing … Red Line, do you remember meeting those two foxes in Shan Ye when you just learned sword?"
Red line nodded his head.
The wind soul said, "At that time, there was iron everywhere in the mountain, and there were ice, fire and poison. Wild pythons sucked up all the water and gas, and all the beasts died or fled. I gave them two elixirs and taught them some heavenly laws. Unexpectedly, after more than 300 years, they really cultivated into demons. Now my sister Wan’er was dragged down by Zhao Wu’s daughter and was still in the prison in Leiting. Although I tried to get her out, the Leiting precepts were very strict." As far as I know, her sister email should be in Huashan, and I want to get her back as soon as possible. "
The red line says, "Master wants to …"
The wind soul said, "Although they are not my disciples, they have also been taught by our Taiyi pulse. Besides, Wan’er once saved the red line. How can I let their sisters go?" So I want two of you to go to Huashan to find Mei Er. I know there is a Sui Emperor Palace where Mei Er is inside, but I don’t know whether it is fierce or lucky. "
Ling Ning Yin Niang opened her mouth together before she spoke, and the red line had already scrambled to say, "Master, I …"
The wind soul waved and said, "I’m not finished yet."
The three men looked at each other and listened again.
Wind Soul said, "When two people go to find their younger sister, they have to come with me to save her. Wan’er is guilty of dogma and trapped in the thunder hall for nine days. Ying Yuan, Raytheon’s universal Buddha has always been harsh and never shows mercy. Even Emperor Ji and Wang Sun are guilty. I have been thinking for a long time and can’t let him release Wan’er. It seems that the only way to do it is to rescue the prison!"
Ling Ning and Yin Niang look after each other in astonishment and go to Leiting to rob the prison. Is this something dangerous? And once it is discovered, it will be a violation of the dogma, that is, Lei Tingxing is extremely powerful in punishing traitors for nine days. Although Raytheon’s universal Buddha is not in the Six Imperial Columns, the Six Imperial Emperors are actually on an equal footing to go to Lei Tingxing to rob the prison. The difficulty of this matter is even more troublesome than breaking into the yellow country to find Yi Nuozun.
The red line feels that "it’s not easy to go to Huashan to find my sister or go to Leiting to save my sister on both sides. Although it sounds more dangerous to go to Leiting to rescue my sister, the rescue of my sister is led by Master himself and must be done quietly unless there is really no way. Even if Master wants to come, he doesn’t want to cause trouble in Leiting. Think about Zhao Wu’s scheming for Ren Huang and making trouble all over the world. How can those people even dare to resist the heaven and let our dignitaries out so easily? Besides, if I go to Leiting with the master, I have to let Ling Ning and Yin Niang go to Huashan alone. They are inexperienced and kind, so let them go alone to be afraid of the master and don’t worry. "
So he said, "Master, I’m going to Huashan."
Wind Soul nodded his head. Personally, he is also more inclined to let the red line go to Huashan to find Mei Er Lei Ting. Although it is guarded, his purpose is to save people rather than make trouble. If it is really necessary, he will naturally stop for a while. If the other party refuses to let Mei Er be afraid, it is really difficult to let Ling Ning and Yin Niang go. It is really difficult to rest assured that the red line has been honed in these days, not only the fencing is more refined, but also the adaptability is excellent. She has been able to stand alone and take a school sister to Huashan, which naturally makes him feel more at ease.
"In that case," said the wind soul, "Ling Ning, you go to Huashan with your senior sister, your magic and your senior sister’s royal sword complement each other, and it is easier to cope with some hidden mothers when there is an accident. Just follow me to Leiting."
Ling Ning and Yin Niang quickly responded to Yin Niang’s lack of Ling Ning, but she was happy and delighted. It was the first time that she had been entrusted with something important by Master since she entered heaven.
Things confessed three female ACTS son is preparing to leave the wind soul but said, "you leave the red line first, I have something else to tell you, and Ling Ning …"

Their arms were smashed by Su Mo’s fist!

The power of this punch is still extremely terrible. Break through their defenses and hit them in the chest!
Two people back generate out a blood arrow!
They were punched in the chest by Su Mo and their hearts burst!
Two people qi and blood instantaneous decline.
A broken arm can be reborn when it is powerful and powerful.
But this blow almost blew their bodies off, and the injury was too heavy to heal in a short time.
Two great fit figures fell from the middle and turned pale!
Two people failed to stop Sue ink half step!
"Don’t step into this array!"
At this moment, Ji Yaoyin said, "If you can stop others, I can leave with Yan Beichen!" "
Su Mo nodded.
Yu Linglong kill array said that he had heard about it.
Once he got into it, he couldn’t get out. He could be buried in it!
"wild arms!"
Half-ancestor Li Heng said, "How dare you challenge me to the Mystery Palace when many super clansmen have already had a deep hatred?"
"I’ve never thought about the enemies of the Mystery Palace."
Su Mo said slowly, "But this cat was killed in the valley of heaven and earth! I want to kill this person! "
"The joke is that the secret is my mysterious palace!"
Half-ancestor Li Heng frowned and said, "If you want to kill him, you are my enemy in the Mystery Palace!"
"If I remember correctly, the younger brother of Xuanji Palace is Lin Xuanji, and he is the first candidate for the young master. It’s the turn of this cat to make waves!"
Su Mo said coldly
"Lin Xuanji is letting him come out to see me!"
Su Mo said
"Your wild wolf ambition colludes with Taigu taboo and wants to slaughter the Terran to rule the sky!"
The cat smiled slightly and said, "Lin Xuanji, you have been suppressed by the palace regulations for a long time!"
Sumo nodded. "In that case, there is no need to talk about it!"
Before Su Mo took a stride, he came to the dry sky and half ancestors and half ancestors of God Dove to speak Sanskrit!
"Hum, Mimi!"
At the same time when the six-character mantra broke out
Su Mo’s hands changed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, six great dharma seals boomed towards two half-ancestors to suppress them!
"Looking for death!"
Mystery palace many strong people have denounced a.
You know, there are ten of them here!
There are more than one hundred statues in the field!

With that, Jade Duxiu III disappeared into the void, and the whole Huaguo Mountain was still lively.

"Extremely cold cave" Jade Duxiu stood in the void and slowly stretched out his palm silently. "I didn’t expect that the Xiaolong clan actually took the four seas around Kunlun Mountain on its own. It’s really strong and overbearing. Even the Terran ancestors don’t want to have too many disputes and conflicts in this matter."
"Congenital hibiscus has completely absorbed the residual divine power of the ancient congenital hibiscus in Kunlun Mountain, and it has changed and grown. I don’t know if it can grow to the point in the future." Jade Duxiu’s tender figure shuttles through the virtual world and slowly walks towards the four seas where Kunlun Mountain is located
The four seas are the intersection of the east, west, north and south oceans, with Kunlun Mountain standing in it, which is unpredictable and full of incredible power.
Five thousand years ago, Han Kuang was born, re-established the dragon clan, and drove the four dragons out of the four seas, seizing the four seas belonging to the Terran. Only the Kunlun Mountain remained.
Jade Duxiu is not familiar with the four seas, but it is also not strange. In those days, Jade Duxiu exhibited its layout, but it wandered around the four seas more than the ancestral vein of Kunlun Mountain, and it was also firmly locked in Kunlun Mountain by Jade Duxiu’s hundreds of millions of monty.
When you come to the Four Seas Jade Duxiu, you don’t hesitate to plunge into the sea and don’t pinch the water. It’s a disaster. Turning all the sea water gently hinders the formation of Jade Duxiu, and the fate is instantly absorbed by Jade Duxiu. This sea water is more harmful to Jade Duxiu than it is increasing its strength all the time. If this power is not increasing too slowly than it can be observed, Jade Duxiu really wants to hide in the sea forever and refuses to come out.
There are no dragon monks in the four seas, but they have all been replaced by dragon monks. At first glance, the ups and downs of the whole four seas are spectacular, even if they try their best to suppress them, they also give people a sense of unspeakable oppression.
Jade Duxiu in the four seas appeared in front of a Fiona Fang Wanli Crystal Palace, which directly mobilized the disaster and was not surprising and moving. Jade Duxiu has reached the Crystal Palace.
A cold chill to indifference words sounded in the ear "people trespassing on the Crystal Palace".
"I’ve seen a friend of the cold" Yu Duxiu made a ceremony at the square cold of the main hall. This cold repair is unfathomable, and Yu Duxiu didn’t deliberately restrain Qi’s own whereabouts from the cold.
"Which little doll are you, trespassing on my four seas?" Cold face looked at Jade Duxiu.
"It’s really forgetful to be a true gentleman. Five thousand years ago, I gave the Dragon King four beads. Can’t you remember that the Dragon King gave me three conditions?" Jade Duxiu casually looked at the hall with her hands on her shoulders.
"Wonderful show? Are you Miaoxiu? " Cold we pupil suddenly a shrink.
"Good eyesight is being original" Jade Duxiu laughed and said.
"I didn’t know that you dare to appear in the four seas, not afraid of the four seas Long Jun staring at you? It is important to know that the four old loaches are not at ease, but they stare at the territory all day long for fear of doing anything drastic. "Han Tao looked at Yu Duxiu’s unique eyes and suddenly became interested." It was said that you refined into an immortal elixir and seized dozens of mysterious yellow gas? "
"No pains, Long Jun is being original. Today, I came here to talk about a big deal with Long Jun, and at the same time, I asked Long Jun to perform the contract." Jade Duxiu slowly came to the front of Han Ju and sat down beside him in a chair.
"Aren’t you afraid that when you come to see me, I will catch you and take away your mysterious and immortal medicine?" Han Tao looked at Yu Duxiu with great interest.
"First of all, although the pavilion is stronger than the powerful Long Jun, it may not be able to be original. Today, it is natural to dare to come to see Long Jun." Jade Duxiu is full of confidence. "The second Long Jun is a believer and I believe that Long Junhang will not do such a thing. The key is that I have come to see Long Jun this time and we have common goals and interests."
"Oh," Han Kui’s eyes looked at Yu Duxiu’s fluorescent flashing. "Tell me what you are looking for."
"In those days, I should have heard about Long Jun’s plot against him." Jade Duxiu looked at Han Ju.
"It’s a pity that you’re a unlucky ghost who should have gone to the sky to prove that you’re immortal, but you’ve been abruptly calculated by all parties to seize the inside information and lose the opportunity."
"I came to the pavilion this time because of the East China Sea incident, when I was assassinated by the four seas Long Jun. Naturally, my heart was unwilling, so I secretly arranged a subsequent party." Jade Duxiu’s words were not slow or urgent
"Huh?" After listening to Jade Duxiu’s words, my eyes suddenly lit up with interest. "Tell me what the cause is, and you have learned something about your means. Every time you make a move, it must be a stone break. Tell me about your means this time."
It won’t be long before a man was secretly sent to do something in the East China Sea, and an earth-shattering catastrophe will happen in the East China Sea. After this disaster, the whole East China Sea creatures are different. The key point is that "Yu Duxiu paused here." Since then, the aura of the East China Sea will dissipate day by day, and the monks will practice here instead of making progress. "
"psst ~ ~ ~"
After listening to Yu Duxiu’s words, I suddenly blew my hair. "What are you crazy about?" True or false? How much causal karma does this have to be enough to pull you into reincarnation forever? "
"True" Jade Duxiu discourse dignified way
"Great, those four old loaches deserve such retribution a long time ago. What did you call me for today?" Cold we a pair of eyes will look at jade Duxiu eyes full of excitement.
At that time, the four seas dragons in ancient times had a dead enemy. At this time, I heard that the dragons in the East China Sea were going to die in bad luck, and I suddenly came to the fun.
"The first need cabinet to protect the hand" Jade Duxiu stretched out a finger.
Cold we smell speech a little hesitant and then nodded, "but the four seas have been hit hard. The strength of the four seas dragons is not as good as that of the front seat. It should be easier to suppress each other than before."
"What is the second thing?" Cold we looked at jade Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu’s mouth slightly tilted. "The second thing is that I need Taoist friends to help me and protect me."
"Well, it’s not difficult. You should have other arrangements besides me." Cold man looked at Jade Duxiu Gherardini.
"Yeah, it’s not a good habit to put all your eggs in one basket." Jade Duxiu got up slowly. "In that case, I’ll be leaving now. Hope Pavilion can take the opportunity to attack the four seas and rebuild the glory of the ancient cold people."
Talking, Jade Duxiu dissipates in virtual reality. Staring at the place where Jade Duxiu disappears, you don’t know if Jade Duxiu is leaving.
"The explosion of the ape demon god was born in the East China Sea, and the disaster and robbery force will inevitably advance by leaps and bounds. That’s hundreds of millions of beings." Jade Duxiu’s mouth is tilted
Chapter 139 Rock-breaking punishment arrival
Dragon Palace in the East China Sea Dragon King in the East China Sea is pacing back and forth in the Dragon Palace at this time, and his eyes are a little uneasy.
"Long Jun, don’t go around this. How many times have you gone?" The turtle prime minister looked at the East China Sea Long Jun pacing back and forth and felt dizzy
"I don’t know that there is always a feeling of palpitation in my heart, and a sense of uneasiness is inexplicably surrounded. It seems that generate will come out in my heart for a moment. Something bad is about to happen." Donghai Longjun’s eyes flashed a killing machine. "Is it that bitch who is cold again?"
The words just fell and suddenly the whole East China Sea shook, and several volcanoes erupted. At this time, the whole East China Sea seemed to melt into a pot of porridge, and the whole world shook at this time.
A golden light burst out from Huaguo Mountain and went straight to the bullfight, shining on the heavens and shaking the thirty-three heavy days. The day sitting in the dragon chair suddenly became tense and "came"
At the same time, thousands of qianxiu monks in the world opened their eyes at this time, and a pair of eyes looked at the direction of the East China Sea with horror, showing disbelief in their eyes.
"Cool, cool, good, rich disaster and robbery, good, rich disaster and robbery. Ninety-nine lives in the East China Sea have been absorbed by me. Even if you can’t spend nine repairs, you will advance by leaps and bounds to a higher level." Jade Duxiu in the East China Sea is suspended in virtual disaster and robbery. From all sides, bees flock to the lotus flowers on Jade Duxiu’s forehead, and the dying creatures in the disaster are actually alive and well.
Of course, Enron’s illness is an ordinary sea clan belonging to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. Jade Duxiu, a sea clan, is not polite. With the help of disaster and robbery, several races in the East China Sea were swallowed up and the ashes were completely erased by heaven and earth.
At that time, the whole East China Sea was filled with ghosts and ghosts dancing in the East China Sea.
The ancestral vein explosion of Huaguoshan Mountain was caused by the birth of the ape demon god, pulling the whole East China Sea vein like a chain reaction, which generally exploded the aura of heaven and earth, and the sea race army living near the vein was wiped out.
"psst ~ ~ ~"
The cold man gasped in the four seas. "This wonderful show and vicious means, the fate of the East China Sea, will inevitably fall more than it will fall back to the beginning of the world. This is a powerful causal force, and it is not afraid of being punished by heaven."
"Suppress it for me" The East China Sea has changed, and I feel that the earth is constantly exploding and the mountains are shaking. The East China Sea Dragon King finally knows where his bad feelings come from. Seeing that the East China Sea Dragon King is urging the Dragon Ball to suppress it instantly in the East China Sea.
Jade Duxiu looked at the bright dragon ball as if it were the sun. An unprecedented rhythm spread from the dragon ball and enveloped the whole world. All the turmoil in the whole world was forcibly suppressed in this fluctuation.
"Big Brother, don’t panic, I’ll help you." Three dragons also reacted to help at this time. The same four dragons were equally strong and fluctuated, and everything in heaven and earth was instantly suppressed.
"The power of truth, this is the power of truth, which produces terror." Jade Duxiu quietly absorbs the disaster and looks at sirs Long Jun to start work. Can it be strong?
Li Zhen’s words are the strongest state of innate Lingbao.
"Big Brother, this catastrophe suddenly happened in the East China Sea." Watching the fluctuation gradually stop, the anger in the eyes of the North Sea Long Jun rose. At this time, a layer of dense sea bodies in the East China Sea, I don’t know how many sea monks were buried in this blow.
"In the front seat, I saw an island where the golden light went straight to the bullfight and shook the stars. There was a big turmoil at random, and I don’t know if there was any change." The Dragon King of the East China Sea showed his dragon body winding towards the island
At this time, Huaguoshan is also in chaos, and the whole East China Sea is affected by the aftermath of the ancestral vein explosion. Can Huaguoshan be alone?