
### 食用功效

1. **理气开郁**:茉莉花茶具有理气开郁的作用,可以缓解胸腹胀痛、下痢里急后重等症状。
2. **抗菌消炎**:茉莉花茶对多种细菌有抑制作用,对于目赤、疮疡、皮肤溃烂等炎症性疾病有一定的治疗作用。
3. **化湿和中**:茉莉花茶性温,具有健胃的作用,适合脾胃虚弱的人群饮用。
4. **美容养颜**:茉莉花茶能促进皮肤健康,有助于润燥、生津、香肌,使皮肤光滑细腻。
5. **调节内分泌**:茉莉花茶对女性生理期有一定的调理作用,有助于缓解经痛。

### 药用功效


1. **抗氧化**:茉莉花茶含有茶多酚,具有一定的抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。
2. **抗癌**:茶多酚还具有抑制癌细胞生成的作用,对肝癌、肺癌、白血病等恶性肿瘤有一定的预防效果。
3. **维护心脑血管健康**:茶多酚能降低血脂和甘油三酯的含量,有助于预防心脑血管疾病。
4. **提神醒脑**:茉莉花茶的香气有助于提神醒脑,对于需要长时间工作或学习的人群尤其有益。

### 注意事项

1. **禁忌人群**:肠胃堵塞者、神经衰弱者、压力大经常失眠者、体虚贫血者、重疾病患者等人群应谨慎饮用茉莉花茶。
2. **不宜同食**:茉莉花茶不宜与薄荷叶、红茶等食物同食,以免产生不良反应。



1. **暖胃**:姜怀具有很好的暖胃效果,可以缓解胃寒、胃痛等症状,对于胃部不适有较好的缓解作用。


2. **排毒**:姜怀中的姜和蜂蜜等成分具有排毒功能,能有效排除体内毒素,改善身体的新陈代谢。

3. **利胆、健胃**:姜怀可以帮助促进胆汁分泌,对肝脏和胆囊有一定的保护作用。同时,它还能帮助改善消化功能,缓解消化不良。

4. **止吐**:姜怀对于缓解恶心、呕吐等症状有一定的效果,适合因消化不良或晕车等情况引起的呕吐。

5. **辟腥臭、和废液**:姜具有特殊的香气,可以消除食物中的腥味,同时还能帮助调节体内废液,改善体内环境。

6. **消除水肿**:姜怀中的姜成分有助于促进血液循环,消除体内多余的水分,从而减轻水肿。

7. **美容养颜**:蜂蜜和红糖等成分具有很好的美容养颜功效,可以滋养肌肤,改善肤色。

8. **活血**:姜怀可以刺激人体血循环,有助于改善血液循环,预防心血管疾病。

9. **祛寒**:姜怀对于感冒、风寒等症状有明显的缓解作用,适合冬季或天气寒冷时饮用。

10. **四季适用**:根据传统说法,“四季吃生姜,百病一扫光”,说明姜怀在一年四季中都是有益的,男人和女人都可以适量饮用。



1. **强大的抗氧化作用**:茶粉中含有丰富的多酚类物质,尤其是儿茶素和表儿茶素,这些成分具有强大的抗氧化作用,可以帮助抵抗自由基对细胞的损害,降低患慢性疾病的风险。

2. **降低血压和血脂**:抹茶粉中的儿茶素和表儿茶素等成分,有助于降低血压和血胆固醇,从而预防心血管疾病。

3. **改善消化功能**:茶粉中的咖啡碱和氨基酸能够刺激胃液分泌,促进消化,有助于改善消化系统的功能。

4. **维护口腔健康**:茶粉中的茶多酚具有抗菌作用,能够预防口腔疾病,维护口腔健康。

5. **预防辐射损伤**:茶粉中的多种抗氧化物质能够抵抗辐射对人体的损害,对于长期接触电子设备的人群来说,有一定的保护作用。


6. **改善视力**:茶粉中的抗氧化物质有助于保持眼睛健康,预防视力下降。

7. **调节血糖**:茶粉中的多酚类物质能够改善胰岛素抵抗,有助于降低血糖水平。

8. **抗抑郁作用**:根据研究,抹茶粉可以激活多巴胺能神经回路,改善某些小鼠的抑郁症状,这可能对人类的抑郁症治疗有潜在的帮助。


9. **美容养颜**:茶粉可以用于制作面膜,具有美白、保湿、抗氧化等美容效果,有助于保持皮肤的健康和光泽。


10. **提高免疫力**:茶叶中的多种活性成分能够增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

11. **提神醒脑**:茶粉中的咖啡碱能够刺激中枢神经系统,提高注意力和警觉性,有助于提高工作效率。



1. **润肺止咳**:南北杏(南杏和北杏)都具有润肺止咳的作用,南杏味道微甜、细腻,可以生食;北杏经过煮沸后可以降气止咳平喘,适用于咳嗽气喘、胸满痰多等症状。

2. **清热解毒**:南北杏炖瘦肉汤具有一定的清热解毒功效,可以帮助身体排出毒素,刺激肠道蠕动,促进新陈代谢。



3. **健胃消食**:南北杏还具有健胃消食的作用,能够改善消化不良、食欲不振等症状。

4. **美容养颜**:海底椰是汤中的主要成分之一,具有补气补血、润肺止咳、美容养颜的功效。


5. **提高免疫力**:南北杏炖瘦肉汤营养丰富,含有多种对人体有益的营养成分,能够提高人体免疫力,增强抵抗力。

6. **调节身体机能**:南北杏炖瘦肉汤对于治疗慢性支气管炎、支气管哮喘等呼吸系统疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **润肠通便**:北杏具有润肠通便的作用,对于便秘患者有一定的缓解作用。

8. **抗衰老**:南北杏炖瘦肉汤中的一些成分具有抗氧化作用,可以帮助延缓衰老。

9. **调节血糖**:南北杏炖瘦肉汤中的某些成分可能有助于调节血糖水平。

10. **辅助治疗妇科疾病**:南北杏炖瘦肉汤中的无花果等成分,对于一些妇科疾病如白带异常等有一定的调理作用。



1. **开胃消食**:山楂罐头保留了山楂的酸性成分,能够刺激唾液和胃液的分泌,增进食欲,帮助消化。


2. **降低血脂和血压**:山楂罐头中含有丰富的山楂黄酮和三萜酸等成分,有助于稳定血压和降低血脂。

3. **促进脂肪分解**:山楂中的解脂酶能够帮助消化脂肪类食物,有助于减少体内脂肪的积累,对减肥有一定帮助。

4. **改善心血管健康**:山楂罐头中的总黄酮等成分能够扩张血管、增加冠脉血流量、降低心肌耗氧量,对心血管疾病有一定的预防作用。

5. **抗氧化和防衰老**:山楂罐头中含有维生素C、胡萝卜素等抗氧化物质,能有效减少自由基的产生,延缓衰老。

6. **促进血液循环**:山楂罐头有助于改善血液循环,增强身体的新陈代谢。


7. **美容养颜**:山楂中的维生素C和胡萝卜素有助于改善皮肤状态,对于爱美的女性来说,有助于美容养颜。

8. **改善睡眠和预防钙质流失**:山楂罐头中的某些成分有助于改善睡眠,同时有助于防止钙质流失,维持骨骼健康。

9. **辅助治疗多种疾病**:山楂罐头具有一定的药用价值,可以辅助治疗肉食积滞、消化不良、高血脂症、高血压、冠心病等疾病。


– **适量食用**:过量食用山楂罐头可能导致胃酸过多,刺激胃黏膜。
– **糖尿病患者注意**:山楂罐头中的糖分较高,糖尿病患者应适量食用或选择无糖版本。
– **孕妇谨慎食用**:孕妇在食用山楂罐头时应谨慎,因为山楂具有活血化瘀的作用,可能会刺激子宫。



1. **丰富的营养成分**:萝卜干在加工过程中虽然水分减少,但其所含的维生素和矿物质如维生素C、维生素A、钾、钙、镁等却得到了保留。这些营养成分对于增强人体免疫力、维护心血管健康和骨骼健康等都有重要作用。

2. **增强免疫力**:萝卜干中的维生素C有助于增强免疫系统的功能,提高身体抵御疾病的能力,尤其是预防感冒和其他呼吸道疾病。


3. **保护视力**:萝卜干中含有丰富的β-胡萝卜素,这是一种强效的抗氧化剂,可以在体内转化为维生素A,有助于保护视力,预防夜盲症。

4. **促进消化**:萝卜干中的膳食纤维能够促进肠道蠕动,帮助改善便秘,维护肠道健康。

5. **预防心血管疾病**:萝卜干中的钾元素有助于调节血压,降低心脏病的风险。同时,其丰富的抗氧化物质如异硫氰酸酯类物质,有助于保护血管健康。

6. **调节血糖**:萝卜干中的某些成分能够帮助调节血糖水平,对于糖尿病患者来说,适量食用萝卜干可能有益。

7. **降低胆固醇**:萝卜干中的膳食纤维有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平,从而减少心血管疾病的风险。

8. **促进食欲**:萝卜干中的芥子油等物质可以刺激食欲,有助于消化。

9. **抗氧化作用**:萝卜干中的多种抗氧化物质有助于抵抗自由基,减缓细胞老化过程。


Wang Yue looked at an arm and said with surprise, "This is the innate qi? So strong and pure! The innate qi is ten times more powerful than the acquired qi. I didn’t think that I had completed the water line tactic and broke through into a master. This is a pleasant surprise. "

Wang Yuecai was a master at the beginning, but he was ten times stronger than the first-class fighters.
Now Song Yuanqiao Liu fighters are not Wang Yue recruiting enemies.
Wang Yue may not be the master’s strong opponent like Master Wen, but he is also at the level of peerless master. With the master fighters in a sect, no one will come to provoke him.
"It’s time to go back to dinner."
Wang Yue turned his lightness skill and footwork into a shadow and disappeared into the lake.
Back home, Wang Yue entered the room and frowned.
"Someone has come in the room."
Wang Yue looked at it and found that the fire line was definitely taken away.
"Who took the fire?" Wang Yue is a little worried. He told the extinction teacher and Ding Minjun that the fire line is definitely not perfect and must not be cultivated.
If you practice imperfect fire, you will have a big problem.
"I’ll ask the master and the elder sister."
Wang Yue turned and left the room.
"Wang Yue Wang Yue"
Teacher extinction is anxious to hear.
What happened when Wang Yue was surprised?
Master Extinction came to Wang Yue’s room with Zhou Zhiruo in his arms.
Seeing that Zhou Zhiruo was in a coma and flushed, the powerful heat radiated from her body like a stove.
Wang Yue’s face changed, "Fire will do!"
Zhou Zhiruo should practice the fire line!
"Master, hurry up and release Younger, and I will absorb the true qi in her body."
Wang Yue put a palm on Zhou Zhiruo’s back to guide her body to absorb the true qi of her body’s fire property, and then Wang Yue went back to water to moisten her internal organs and meridians.
Seeing that Zhou Zhiruo’s skin has become white and jade, her forehead is no longer painful, and Wang Yue and the extinct teacher are relieved.
Zhou Zhiruo adjusted his body. Wang Yuecai wiped a sweat. Just now, the situation was critical. Zhou Zhiruo’s healing was more tiring than a battle. Even Wang Yuecheng’s master fighters broke out in a sweat.
"What about Wang Yuezhi?" Teacher extinction asked anxiously.
Wang Yue said, "It’s okay, master. Fortunately, you came here when you were holding Younger. Otherwise, the problem will be big when the fire attribute and qi burn out the heart pulse. Now there is nothing. It will take a few days to practice and Younger will recover."
When I heard that Zhou Zhiruo was all right, I put my heart into my stomach.
"Wang Yue" extinction teacher suddenly yelled at Wang Yue. "Didn’t you say that the fire line will never be perfect? What do you want to give it to Zhiruo for practice? Do you want to kill her? "
Wang Yue looked ashamed and explained, "I’m sorry, Master Huo is definitely not perfect, but I didn’t give it to Younger. Maybe Younger came to my room to get the secret book himself."
In fact, Wang Yue has guessed who gave the fire line to Zhou Zhiruo, but he didn’t say it.

"In those days, King Jiangwangshui had the double peak strength of Shinto, practiced all kinds of magical powers and possessed artifacts. It was terrible to repair, but it was still defeated by our nine-fold identity of Dandao. Now we are just a double peak of Shengdao with Qing Di. According to the disparity in strength, we are in a better situation than that time. I don’t believe that we will be able to do it after all means!"

After hearing these words, Gu Qing secretly shook his head!
Dandao Shinto cultivated some extremely special deities, which can make up for it. Just like Guqing rebuilt Dandao Nine in those years, he was able to kill the master of Shinto realm by relying on the stars to guide this avatar base!
But Xiandao and Shengdao are different. The gap between these two realms is measured day by day. Don’t say that they are dealing with the reincarnation of a great avatar in Qing Di. Even an ordinary master who has just been promoted to the realm of Shengdao is extremely difficult!
However, it is one thing to know this truth, and it is another to do it or not. Before they know the situation of French escape, there is a way to fight to the death.
"We are equal to pick Jin Xian Xiu, but if we join hands, it is not without a fighting force. These two swords in my hand are the first in kill array, and the two swords are dedicated to fighting and destroying. It is the first time to attack the sword. The two swords are unbreakable. In terms of single attack, I am comparable to the lack of the Holy Way, which is the defense, and you have a complete four laws in the new universe. Although the law is a direct confrontation with the Qing Di star world, it can also resist one or two. We can fight for the opportunity in Qing Di!"
"You have two swords, the immortal and the immortal, and you also have an extremely precious thing in my body to resist one or two!"
"In that case, let’s divide it into life and death!"
Restoring the Star World Qing Di laughed when he heard the soliloquy of rain evil!
"A life and death? You two ants want me to live and die? Ha, ha, ha, ha. It’s a big mistake. Just now, I was careless and didn’t blow you to death. Do you think I will accept you? Now I will let you know that the gap between Baishengdao and Xiandao is so big that the stars gather together to strike a clean blow! "
With Qing Di’s killing order, all the starlight in his star world is condensed in less than one breath at the same time, which has turned into a bright star beam to nullify!
"All defenses are in your hands!"
It rains and evil eyes are full of coldness. At this moment, if she incarnates ice, she abandons all grievances, feelings, hatred, anger, sorrow and joy, and incarnates a killer, she will roar in the middle of killing the creatures, and the starlight will be full of essence, qi and spirit, which will be condensed into her hands and cut into the virtual Qing Di.
Give up all defense this sword!
At this moment, the evil rain showed a kind of incomparable trust in him!
Although this kind of letter was forced but Qi Xin had to work together to exchange for that chance of life, the spirit of the broken old woman was also inspired to the limit. The four laws of power emerged in my mind, and it was raining and evil attacked him instantly. The new universe that could protect his body suddenly spread wildly and directly greeted the arrival of the Qing Di star world and the star beam!
"Rumble …"
When the two forces touch each other, a big impact is stronger than an attack, which directly defeats the law department that condenses everything in the newborn universe and destroys it. The aftermath of the law department in his newborn universe will directly smash hundreds of millions of stars nearby and live in the stars, and several creatures will vanish in an instant.
"that’s it, you two, who are trying to resist me. Let the humble creatures disappear!"
Qing Di’s virtual hand broke through the star beam of the new world, and the potential remained unabated, and it rained evil behind the new universe. Now I gave up the defense of the rain evil, let alone being bombarded by this star beam, or being swept in by the spreading afterglow, and it will be ten dead and ten alive!
"Things can’t end here. Taiji plans to suppress the vitality and suppress the law to suppress the world!"
The huge virtual shadow of Taiji Diagram in the star world was suddenly revealed. The powerful power of suppression of the heavens’s anchoring fire, water and wind constantly emanated from this first Tianbao, and the law of violent vitality fragmentation was broken down and repaired by the World Department in less than a blink of an eye. This broken world has once again constructed a new powerful defense to directly meet this road of destroying the world. The stars and beams collided together and blew out the sky!
"The sword is too empty!"
With the help of the starry sky to cover up the rain, the evil spirit poured into the mind, and the sword suddenly broke through the gap, and with a strong will to have life and death, Kendo was severely beheaded in Qing Di Star World!
Contains life and death often a sword will Qing Di this just condensed success star world cut crack again!
Star world a crack hidden in the middle of the world at the head of the overall situation Qing Di immediately exposed to her attack range!
"Rush at the virtual sword!"
After a clear drink, the narrow body of the immortal sword was limited to enlarge the huge body in an instant, which brought about a deafening explosion, and that shocking and thorough momentum seemed to be high above the Excalibur, with everyone trying to resist the coercion.
"Sure enough, I won the four swords of Zhu Xian." The cold light in Qing Di’s eyes burst with a strong consciousness and directly blasted into the evil soul of the rain. "But these tricks of carving insects want to hurt me, and daydreaming broke it for me!"
All over the sky, the stars gather again, and a more earth star beam suddenly bombards the star world!
Just as this starlight is about to storm the evil body, a sunny drink suddenly comes in from the periphery of the star world.
"The vast milky way and the vast starry sea are all my stars. It is the stars on Sunday!"
Accompanied by this burst of chanting, singing a fragile but mysterious starlight suddenly cut long along the rain and evil to cut that crack into the Qing Di star world, which was directly condensed by Qing Di. The starlight beams collided together and the starlight exploded again in vain!
"Sunday stars array?"
Qing Di saw the source of this power at the first sight!
At this time, on the day when the stars were shining and the rain was evil, the sword Lingchen and the sword light finally fell with a unique immortal sword-slaying idea, with a battle victory and defeat key and two survival desires, when Qing Di sacrificed Gang Qi, they collided together!
"Qing Di stops here!"

In Wang Chan’s real feeling, it seems that this punch has become a dream, and the trace is not reality. This feeling is so strong.

If it is a dream, if it is empty, then who is he and what is his meaning?
He remembered seeing the mirage figures, chariots and horses in the desert in the far west, in which stories of joys and sorrows were also interpreted.
But he knew it was false.
Then everything is so clear, but it is still false. What can we prove that everything is true now?
There is no way to prove all this.
Wang Chan gave a long sigh, and I am who I am. Things have changed, and I am still who I am. Even in my dreams, I am the most maverick.
There is no point in clinging to meaning and body.
It is also appropriate to think that he told a bald man in that Tianzhu country a few years ago that the bald man was not a novel.
Wang Chan suddenly jumped out of the dream with a sway, and there was quite a kind of’ not in the three realms and not in the five elements’ elegance.
This kind of posture without the slightest smell of fireworks got rid of Li Zhi’s permanent spiritual solution and Li Zhichang’s wonderful and unpredictable boxing in an instant.
But this can’t hide from a sword.
This sword light carries the breath of life and death. If you want to live, you will have a life and death, and you will be divided into two sides.
Wang Chan didn’t really go beyond life and death and naturally couldn’t get rid of the sword light.
Wang Chan suddenly lived in Xudun, and this stop was far worse than what he had just moved.
He held out his hand in the void.
The most difficult thing for a person to maintain is that he has the largest and most hands.
No matter how beautiful a woman is, you see, there are always some flaws in her hands.
But Wang Chan’s hands are perfect. You can’t find faults with perfect hands.
But these hands are not just to see, but also to kill.
He is not a killer, but he is not afraid to kill.
Li Zhichang naturally felt Wang Chan’s murder tunnel. You may not know that I have killed people, perhaps more than you have ever met.
This sentence, of course, didn’t come out, because they met too fast and could be compared with light. How could Shi Huo have left a message?
In front of Li Zhichang, there appeared a fish of Yin and Yang that was too energetic to keep turning, which seemed to be telling the scene of HarmonyOS’s judgment of Yin and Yang.
Lao Yang holds Shao Yin, Lao Yin and Shao Yang.
This Tai Chi alone will make Li Zhichang invincible.
This is the so-called "falling off the body and leaving the shape to know that it is the same as Datong". It is precisely the person who forgets his tracks and forgets his tracks that he does not know that there is heaven and earth outside his body, and then he changes his body and becomes impassable.
This is the terrible place of heaven and man, which melts into a certain avenue of heaven and earth.
A big step forward is the realm where Xuande Xuande cares about imagination to be defeated, and this is the level of picking Jin Xian again.
Of course, Li Zhichang is far away from this realm, and even if he measures the years later, he may not be able to enter this realm by meditating day and night.
Wang Chan is still a teenager after all. Even though this teenager has long surpassed a teenager through the ages, he still lacks experience.
This is easy to make up, but it can’t be done overnight
Fortunately, he gained a lot today, even if he didn’t get the Tao Te Ching.
Because today, besides being old, who can understand Taoism better than Li Zhichang?
devil a one
Taoism has long been integrated into Li Zhichang’s martial arts.
To digest this valuable experience, Wang Chan can also get a glimpse of the essence of being a master and become a cardinal.
He has the ability and has always done so.
Absorb hundreds of parents and become a family statement.
One day, he will realize that human beings have not reached the height so far.
For a moment, the two men met hundreds of tricks.

Big Gokurakuji made so much noise. Lin Xiaolian’s husband naturally caught up early. He didn’t make moves. After hearing Jiao Fei’s call, he flew up and laughed. "Let’s go to the North Pole now?" I have told Honger to keep an eye on her. "Jiao Fei nodded and took a look at the two true gentlemen in the ghost prison. He and Yuan Xuzhen laughed together." In that case, let’s go. Anyway, we don’t do anything. "

These ghost jails really don’t take the ghost jails’ errands to heart. They just left a Buddhist monk, but they don’t take it to heart. They still fly out of hundreds of miles away with Jiao Fei and laughing.
Chapter 24 Monty is in turmoil
Although Guan Sheng Zhen Jun looks young, his handle is more than Yuan Xu Zhen Jun, but most of them are seven true gentlemen in the ghost prison, and one yuan Xu Zhen Jun, but among more than 100 true gentlemen in the ghost prison, the last person is also arrogant, but if he looks at the right eyes, he will treat people as friends.
Jiao Fei’s gentleness and the fact that you Shengzhen Jun was able to get out of the ghost prison at the beginning was the root cause of Jiao Fei’s trouble. The ghost who killed the tooth burn prison turned the teenager not only to some extent resentful, but also to some extent grateful. If Jiao Fei didn’t deliver the door himself this time, he had no plans to find Jiao Fei and bring him to justice.
Besides, after Jiaofei Road, he gave Dapeng Xiaoyao’s tactic in detail and kept it private. He didn’t take this to coerce Guan Sheng Zhen Jun, so he felt that he could talk about it before long.
Although Yu Yuanxu Zhenjun is not ranked high in the ghost prison, others keep a low profile. Therefore, people are bent on practicing again, and Yuan Shen does not argue with others in the ghost prison. In fact, he is also a very powerful figure with a hidden Tao.
The four of them flew all the way to protect the holy true gentleman and cultivated the Dapeng Xiaoyao tactic. He is worthy of being the seven true gentlemen of the ghost prison. His talent is really amazing, but in three or two hours, the first three layers of Dapeng Xiaoyao tactic were changed into magic doors. They all have something in common. One pulse and Taoist spells have different origins, and the flowers are different from the ten ancestors of the door.
Rao is so JiaoFei also admire Lin Xiaolian beside is she chuckled and smiled.
You Sheng Zhen Jun received the body mana to focus, flying and laughing. "I’m grateful for this pulse spell, and I’m counting on it to be more comfortable."
Jiao Fei didn’t seem to care when he saw Yousheng Zhenjun, but he couldn’t help asking, "If Yousheng Zhenjun specialized in one course, he was afraid that he would have broken through the current realm and had to take this road?"
You don’t know this, "said Guan Sheng Zhen Jun with a smile." If you can combine several methods before you become immortal, you will be different when you enter the country in the future. If you wait for a breakthrough in the tenth floor, it will be several times more difficult to combine the other methods into immortal. You must know that if you combine nine methods before you become immortal, you will have to make a breakthrough, and you will have to worry about it later. If you break through nine methods separately, it will take nine times as much effort.
Jiao Fei smiled hand in hand with Lin Xiaolian, but his heart was tight. I also thought, "Yes, I remember that teacher Lan Li taught the Beidou solution that there was such a description. At that time, I didn’t care that it was easier to cultivate one method than nine methods. It was only after the Yuan God that I could cultivate spells. It seems that this spell is of some help to Sister Xiaolian and Sister Hong. Later, I will ask you to cultivate those three methods and prepare some details for Sister Hong …"
Jiao Fei thought of this, so he relied on his well-informed magic way. Both of them have a part-time practice and bless the sage and the true gentleman to talk about cultivation. Jiao Fei has several parents. The three magic ways of Tianhe Sword Sect Taixuan Zhang Bing Taoist alone can be said to be as good as one kind of truth, not to mention that he is familiar with the magic door North Sect magic.
Yuan Xu Zhen Jun didn’t want to talk more, but he was attracted by Jiao Fei and couldn’t help interjecting that the three of them just flew and chatted and didn’t feel tired. Suddenly, they flew out of tens of thousands of miles and saw the Haitian line arrive at the east coast. Here, the two true gentlemen immediately discussed the north and turned to Jiao Fei, and naturally there was no objection.
Jiao Fei, who traveled northbound this time, also had many thoughts.
Being able to become six kinds of undead Dan-Chi Di blood suspicion is extremely precious. It is extremely precious to put it in the hands of a magic door elder who is eager to break through the immortal body of ghosts and gods. All of them are ten thousand magic weapons and refuse to change good things. What’s more, Jiao Fei is not sure whether there is any such panacea in the hands of Monty Sect. If there is such a panacea in the hands of the Five Ghost Kings, Jiao Fei is of course unceremoniously robbing others. Can he live forever?
Parents’ kindness to the sky is a great achievement. Seven burns can make parents live forever. If you have this ability, you will not hesitate to do it.
But this hope is too slim. Jiao Fei is not born out of wedlock. Where can there be such good luck, there is an undead Dan waiting for him to take it? Jiao Fei’s lowest goal is that nine times out of ten there may be Chi Di’s blood prescription in the hands of the Five Ghost Kings. Although this kind of undead prescription is also extremely precious, it is not impossible to get it. If others take this kind of prescription, they may not be able to gather together to refine this furnace of pills and elixirs. However, Jiao Fei has a great cause. He has already obtained the fifth mountain and river tripod and admitted that if he wants to be able to refine the gods, he can travel in vain. Although it is a little hard, he may not be able to find the materials in the other stars. However, it is nothing for his parents and parents.
Although his parents are old, don’t forget that Jiao Fei is still the ice-freezing method created by the ice road flyover. He can still finish the shipment, but he can temporarily freeze his parents until he finds an abundant elixir, and then wake up his parents to live forever.
Jiao Fei has thought about it many times before this move, including his own repair of Lin Xiaolian to help with various contingency methods. When he comes, he is not the kind of person who goes straight to the door and picks everything up, so he can make room for it.
Three of the four people in this line are equivalent to the top experts in refining gas, that is, Jiao Fei is a little weak and the seventh floor of refining gas is just beginning to run rampant in the Arctic. There are monks who have seen it, so they should stay away from it and dare not provoke Jiao Fei a little. This way, the younger brother is still used to hiding his breath. Lin Xiaolian and the two people know that convergence can be a ghost prison. Can two true gentlemen have such an idea?
Whether it’s Yousheng Zhenjun or Yuanxu Zhenjun, it’s used to being rampant in the underworld, and it’s even more taboo in the world of Yang. Everyone should avoid it, especially Yousheng Zhenjun, who can knock on the door regardless of feelings when he sees that Tianpeng’s dharma is in line with him. Is that a domineering figure? How can they hold back their arrogance? Jiao Fei and Lin Xiaolian can be with them. Although they don’t reveal anything, people with a little brains can also see that they are not easy to provoke people.
Four people fled the light near Binghuo Island, so they went straight to kill the door. First, they caught the youngest son, and then they were forced by the ghost prison method. Or Jiao Fei was more cautious. The nine-song Yellow River array concealed everyone’s breath, and a trickle of water flowed backwards along a stream on Binghuo Island and sneaked into the lair of the Five Ghosts King.
Jiao Fei also forgot that there were two crane boys, the bronze heart and the white cloud fairy, who were as warm as jade and as warm as a spirit, when she was at home. At this time, Lin Xiaolian saw it, but it was not too difficult. The white cloud fairy was a word, so she laid her own position, which made the white cloud fairy dare not say anything.
After Bai Yunxian got Jiao Fei and transferred three relics, the Buddhism practice entered a new level. The sixth consciousness of Buddhism is just half a step away, and the temperament is even more because Buddhism and Taoism practice is like falling out of the dust, and the original body of the fairy in the moon is digitized. Bai Yunxian is also monopolized and used to being a demon empress. Even Yang He dared to play, and his courage was high, so he could see it, but in front of Lin Xiaolian, he felt low-spirited
If Lin Xiaolian and Bai Yunxian are naturally vulgar, Lin Xiaolian is still not a girl from an ordinary family in Baishi, but when Lin Xiaolian and Bai Yunxian come together, Lin Xiaolian immediately compares Bai Yunxian. Among them, the gas field struggle is Jiao Fei and the two ghosts are also amazing.
You Sheng Zhen Jun came to see Jiao Fei. This girl is gentle and gentle, and her heart is in Jiao Fei’s body. There is no temperament of a monk. Although she knows that Lin Xiaolian is not in her own, she doesn’t pay much attention to it. But when Lin Xiaolian released a sentence from the Jade Rocky Empress, she put Bai Yunxian, a beautiful-looking Buddhist nun, in a hurry, and she could not help but secretly marvel at the evaluation of Lin Xiaolian.
Yuan virtual true gentleman is also a general heart. Jiao Fei brought a woman. Although it looks good, it doesn’t recognize that Lin Xiaolian can really compete with her. At the bottom of my heart, I still take her as a burden. However, Lin Xiaolian’s evaluation in Yuan virtual true gentleman’s heart is immediately higher than Jiao Fei’s.
Jiao Fei’s magic power is now too great for others to sit in the array. He has been able to manipulate the nine-bend Yellow River array freely and exert great power. Although he has the magic weapon of combining thirty-six large arrays like Taixu robes, it is not worth making in such a small place.
The nine-bend Yellow River array is charted with several streams to help the holy true gentleman, Yuan Xuzhen gentleman and Lin Xiaolian get the grant, but in a short time, they will be able to freely flow their own water to explore the news of Binghuo Island.
Jiao Fei finally lived here for a period of time and was familiar with the path. It didn’t take long to find the bedroom of the Five Ghosts King. It happened that the magic door elder was meditating. Jiao Fei knew that the Five Ghosts King had the Monty Palace and didn’t dare to disturb him, so he slowly rotated around to make the water as thin as possible.
The Five Ghost Kings practiced for a long time and suddenly frowned in their hearts. With a move, five skulls flew up and danced in the palace for a while, but the nine-curve Yellow River array was mysterious and gentle, and the five skulls were not aware of the clues.
Five ghost kings can’t find clues when they see five ghosts for protection, but they just ask for the back channels. "Is it my suspicion? Recently, Joan Niang has refined Tianpeng Venerable and his brothers into five ghosts for protection, and I don’t know how to practice entry. Although she promised to be my wife, I’m afraid that there is a gap in her heart, but I can’t ban spells. I’m banned in her body, but even if she is refined, Yuan Shen can’t break free. "
Five-ghost king hesitated for a moment and whispered, there was a witch from his door who came to help him. take off your coat changed into a golden cassock. Five-ghost king was able to cast his mana into Yu Qiongniang’s bedroom. It was because of peeping in Qiong Niang’s bedroom that he suddenly felt that a person with higher and deeper mana than the female in the palace couldn’t help but feel a tight hand. "It’s not the five-ghost king who can do this. It’s also a powerful boss. I’m waiting for this female to be tackled. This can kill two. How can I force out Chi Di’s blood vein?"