
1. **降火解毒**:冬瓜性凉,水煮可以减少其寒性,有助于清热解毒,对于体内火气过旺、口舌生疮等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **利水消肿**:冬瓜含有利尿成分,煮水饮用可以帮助排除体内多余的水分,对于水肿、尿频等症状有一定的改善作用。

3. **减肥瘦身**:冬瓜热量低,富含膳食纤维,有助于增加饱腹感,减少食物摄入量,是减肥饮食中常用的食材。


4. **降血压**:冬瓜中含有钾元素,有助于维持心脏健康和血压稳定。


5. **降血糖**:冬瓜中含有一定量的胰岛素样成分,可能有助于降低血糖。


6. **美容养颜**:冬瓜含有多种维生素和矿物质,有助于肌肤健康,具有养颜美容的作用。

7. **保护心血管**:冬瓜中的植物固醇类成分有助于降低血液中的胆固醇,从而保护心血管健康。

8. **增强免疫力**:冬瓜中的多种营养成分有助于增强身体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

9. **辅助治疗疾病**:冬瓜煮水对于一些慢性疾病,如高血压、糖尿病等,有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. 冬虫夏草、灵芝、西洋参合用功效:
– 冬虫夏草:具有补益肺肾、固精止遗的功效,常用于治疗肺虚、肾虚、阳痿早泄等症状。
– 灵芝:具有安神、止咳、益气的功效,适用于心悸失眠、咳嗽、气虚乏力等症。
– 西洋参:具有养阴生津、清热、益气的功效,常用于治疗口干舌燥、气短乏力、心烦失眠等症。

2. 乌灵胶囊功效:
– 辅助治疗焦虑症:乌灵胶囊可以缓解焦虑症状,改善睡眠质量,对焦虑症患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。
– 补肾健脑:乌灵胶囊具有补肾健脑的功效,适用于肾虚、头晕、记忆力减退等症状。


– 养心安神:乌灵胶囊可以改善睡眠质量,缓解健忘、情绪烦躁等症状。


3. 碳酸氢钠、海悦美奥、法莫替丁功效:
– 碳酸氢钠:主要通过酸碱中和原理消耗胃酸,适用于胃酸过多导致的反酸、烧心等症状。
– 海悦美奥:属于质子泵抑制剂,可长效抑制胃酸分泌,适用于胃食管反流病、胃溃疡等疾病。
– 法莫替丁:属于H2受体阻断剂,通过抑制胃酸分泌来减少胃内损伤,适用于胃溃疡、胃炎等疾病。

– 在医生指导下使用,避免盲目服用。
– 注意药物副作用,如有不适,及时就医。
– 根据病情调整用药剂量和疗程。
– 注意饮食和生活习惯,避免刺激性食物和不良的生活习惯。


1. **滋阴补阳**:中医认为,龟肉具有滋阴补阳的作用,适合阴虚火旺的人群食用,可以帮助调节人体的阴阳平衡。


2. **增强免疫力**:乌龟含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素、矿物质和必需氨基酸,如天门冬氨酸等,这些营养成分有助于提高人体免疫力,增强体质。

3. **补血止血**:龟汤含有多种营养成分,如胶质、维生素B1、B2、烟酸等,这些成分有助于补血止血,适合失血过多或产后体虚的人群食用。

4. **强筋健骨**:龟汤中含有的矿物质和氨基酸有助于强筋健骨,对于筋骨疼痛、骨质疏松等有辅助治疗作用。


5. **抗衰老**:龟肉中含有抗氧化成分,可以帮助减缓衰老过程,增强皮肤弹性,有抗衰老的作用。


6. **抗癌作用**:乌龟卵白具有抗癌作用,可以抑制肿瘤细胞,增强机体的抗癌能力。

7. **改善营养不良和气血不足**:龟汤适合营养不良、气血不足的人群食用,可以改善这些症状。

8. **其他功效**:龟汤还具有解毒、排湿排寒、清热等作用,可以缓解心烦、增强身体抵抗力,并有一定的安神效果。


– **适宜人群**:龟汤适合大部分人群食用,尤其是阴虚火旺、气血不足、筋骨疼痛、失血过多等人群。
– **禁忌人群**:老人和消化不良的人不宜食用龟汤,因为其不易消化,可能会加重消化系统的负担。
– **饮食禁忌**:在食用龟汤时,应避免饮酒以及食用与龟汤相克的食物,如猪肉等,以免损伤元气。



1. **清热解毒**:木棉花性凉,具有清热解毒的作用,可以有效缓解身体内的热毒,对于清热利湿、解暑有很好的效果。

2. **调理肠胃**:木棉花对于多种胃肠功能失调有治疗作用,如腹泻、腹胀、慢性肠胃炎等,能够帮助调节肠胃功能。

3. **治疗关节炎**:木棉花对于关节炎有治疗作用,同时也能减轻关节痛。

4. **提高免疫力**:木棉花能增强人体免疫力,提高对各种疾病的抵抗力。


5. **杀菌消炎**:木棉花富含有机酸,具有杀菌功效,可用于清洁伤口,防止感染。

6. **利尿消肿**:木棉花富含矿物质,有利于体内多余水分的排出,对水肿、排尿不良等症状有辅助治疗作用。

7. **止血**:木棉花对于因湿热或血热引起的咯血、鼻血、血尿和血便等有解毒止血的功效。

8. **食用方法多样**:木棉花可以晾干后用来煮茶、熬汤、当药,也可直接食用。例如,可以用木棉花煲鲫鱼豆腐汤,加入菌类、春笋等食材,美味又健康。

9. **观赏价值**:木棉花色泽鲜艳,形态独特,是广州的市花,具有很高的观赏价值。

10. **其他用途**:木棉的皮、根等部位也有药用价值,木棉棉絮可用作棉衣、被子、枕头等。



1. **强力脑心康胶囊**:
– **治疗眩晕**:强力脑心康胶囊对眩晕有较好的治疗效果,可以改善循环、活血化瘀、宁心安神,适用于冠心病心绞痛、头痛、眩晕、神经衰弱等症状。
– **治疗冠心病**:强力脑心康胶囊对冠心病有一定的疗效,尤其是对冠心病引起的胸闷不适有改善作用。
– **适应人群**:适合中老年人服用,药物成分均为中药,安全性较高。


2. **强力霉素**:
– **治疗支原体感染**:强力霉素对肺炎支原体、人型支原体、解脲脲原体等支原体感染有较好的疗效,治疗周期一般为7天。
– **注意事项**:强力霉素属于四环素类抗生素,有少数耐药菌株,建议进行药物敏感试验,根据结果选择合适的治疗方案。

3. **强力脑清素片**:


– **治疗焦虑症**:强力脑清素片对焦虑症有一定的治疗效果,主要成分包括刺五加浸膏、五味子浸膏等,具有安神健脾养心补肾的功效。
– **适用症状**:适用于脾肾两虚、心神失养引起的心悸失眠、食欲不振、神疲乏力等症状。

4. **强力碘溶液**:
– **治疗外阴瘙痒**:强力碘溶液对外阴瘙痒有一定的治疗效果,可以用于皮肤感染、外阴瘙痒等症状。
– **注意事项**:使用时注意不要一次性使用过多,以免刺激皮肤。孕妇不建议使用。



1. **抗氧化**:葡萄中含有丰富的维生素C、维生素P、亚油酸和多酚类物质,特别是葡萄籽中的白藜芦醇,具有很强的抗氧化作用。这些成分能够清除自由基,延缓细胞衰老,从而帮助维持皮肤的年轻状态。


2. **美白保湿**:葡萄中的酚花青素具有美白作用,可以帮助改善肤色,减少皮肤暗沉。同时,葡萄中的葡萄糖、有机酸等成分能够为皮肤提供水分,起到保湿效果。

3. **促进皮肤健康**:葡萄汁的抗病毒能力对体弱多病者、血管硬化及肾炎患者的康复过程有辅助作用。此外,葡萄中的葡萄糖、有机酸、氨基酸及维生素群,可以为大脑神经注入活力,缓解神经衰弱和消除疲劳。

4. **改善循环系统**:葡萄中的营养成分能够有效降低血清胆固醇,减少心脑血管疾病的风险,对心血管健康有益。


5. **维护肺部健康**:对于长期吸烟的朋友,葡萄能促进肺部细胞排毒,缓解吸烟引起的呼吸道不适,具有祛痰作用。

6. **促进皮肤再生**:葡萄酒护肤疗法中,不同品种的葡萄酒展现出不同的功能属性,如蓝布鲁斯科葡萄酒富含矿物质,能促进皮肤组织的再生恢复。


7. **护肤产品中的应用**:一些知名护肤品牌,如法国国民护肤品牌欧缇丽,正是从葡萄中提取葡萄籽多酚等成分,研发出具有抗氧化、抗衰老等功效的护肤品。


"Yao Xue is going to go back to Da Zhou!"

When the ancient battlefield ended in one year, many monks returned to the wild.
Some people like others and others worry.
Some monks even gave birth to a feeling of dreaming for the rest of their lives.
It was not until they returned to the wild mainland and Zongmen that the haze in their hearts gradually dispersed!
Then one by one news in the fix true world each big super clan door is like a piece of boulder falling into the lake and setting off a thousand waves!
"After a thousand years, the sword emperor was inherited by a monk, and the sword mountain disappeared."
"By the way, more than 100 monks in the poison gate were wiped out by this man, and even the underground demon religion and the glass palace were folded in!"
"So hard! Who is this person? "
"I don’t know if I didn’t bring the Zongmen token. Some people say it’s a handsome student, while others say it’s hideous."
The Liuli Palace and the Earth Evil Sect also got the news at the first time, and the patriarch and the leader were furious.
Both cases sent many monks to inquire about the origin and whereabouts of this monk.
This news has not been digested by the major doors, and the more shocking news has caused the vibration of the major super-clan doors to set off an uproar in the whole repair world!
"Ren Huang Temple appears!"
"The people of Ren Huang Temple, Shenhuang Island, appeared in the three doors of immortals, buddhas and demons to fight together."
"Fairy, Buddha, magic three tianjiao together? Hehe, the people of Shenhuang Island are miserable enough. I’m afraid they will end up in a graveyard. Who will take Ren Huang in the end? "
"All wet! The people of Shenhuang Island single-handedly suppressed the celestial pride of immortals, buddhas and demons, and the situation was extremely tragic and frightening! "
"what! What did you say? "
"Shura Zongyin door purple clouds sent the wind view magic magic teach mixed yuan Zongxiang temple tianjiao department fall! The rest of the clan tianjiao got away with it, and some of them were also abolished, and the foundation of their arms will be hard to have in the future. "
Almost at the same time, the elders of the big doors were shocked and unbelievable when they got the news.
"Isn’t there a seal!"
"Fairy, Buddha, magic three dozen seal is waste? Can’t they kill a monk Tsukiji with one shot? "
"The five seals have failed to join hands and died!"
"psst! The sealers joined forces and lost! "
"The right hand of this Shenhuang Islander is a Shenhuang bone casting with great power!"
"This person’s magic door Motome was seriously injured and dying, and he entered the Ren Huang Temple at the same time."
After hearing the news, all the elders of the main doors were silent.
After a long time, someone sighed deeply, "Uber!"
"I’m afraid it’s too much to call it the first Uber since ancient times."
A palace of primitive simplicity stands in an unknown place in Zhongzhou.
An old man with a ruddy complexion wearing a long gown and wearing a Ru crown lost one hand behind him and put the other hand in front of him. His eyes were covered with a gray mist, which was very strange.
"Did the old man push anything?"
Behind the old man, there was a man with a gray robe and a slightly fat white face, carrying a folding fan with a handle in his hand and urging him to ask
If Su Mo is here, he will be able to recognize the man behind him. It is Lin Xuanji who happened to meet in the ancient ruins.
The old man in front is a man who speaks in the King City of Zhou Dynasty.
After a long time, the fog in the old man’s eyes dispersed and he frowned and shook his head. "Ren Huang Temple did come, but I didn’t deduce this information at all … weird."
"Is there really such a Uber in Shenhuang Island?"
Two people glances feel that there is something fishy about it.
The old man smacked his lips and said, "In any case, the Ren Huang Temple has come to pass. This is a golden age, and the arrogance of the gods is rampant. It is likely that the ancient emperors will merge."
"Of course, it is hard to imagine the disaster! Hey, wait and see "
Chapter four hundred and seventy-three Storm is coming
It’s the middle of the night
Boom, a dazzling beam of light lit up in the depths of the palace, and the glow lit up the whole night and attracted several eyes.
"The geniuses who entered the ancient battlefield came back."

Although the two men didn’t intersect much, Lao Yan told him a lot of things, and he was also quite impressed by these Su Mo.

"Sue brothers?"
Lao Yan looked up and saw Su Mo Zheng slightly not far away.
Just now, the dog barked and woke him up, so he got up and went out to have a look. Unexpectedly, he bumped into Su Mo.
"Brother Su, didn’t you follow the big lady to Xueyanggu? Did you come back so early?"
Lao Yan was greeted by some surprise and asked
Su Mo nodded and said, "I came back alone and this time I came to say goodbye to you."
"Why are the Sue brothers leaving?"
Old Yan is a little worried. "You’ve just been promoted to Miss Big Pro-Wei. Why are you leaving so soon? However, what conflict happened to Liang Tongzhi? "
At the beginning, Liang Qiu Su Mo had bad blood, and everyone saw it in their eyes.
Su Mo shook his head slightly and didn’t want to talk more about it. When Xia Qingying returns, they will naturally know.
Su Mo said, "Lao Yan, here is a child’s concentration method for you."
Su Mo pulled out a skill from the bag and handed it to Lao Yan.
This achievement method is obtained from the shadow of blood yang valley.
Su mo has always been divided into grievances.
Even if it is a small favor in the eyes of others, he will remember it in his heart.
"This …"
Lao Yan’s palm trembled slightly.
You know, if you want to get such an achievement method, you have to save tens of thousands of years to exchange one yuan Dan.
Now Su Mo gave him such a valuable achievement method!
Chapter one thousand one hundred and ten In the wild
"Brother Su, this is too expensive."
Lao Yan’s face is a little red, and his hands are shaking slightly with this concentration method.
Su Mo smiled slightly. "I have nothing to do with this kind of achievement method. Just take it away."
"What’s the matter?"
Just then a woman pushed the door and asked
Old Yan looked excited and handed the achievement method to the woman. "Look at the achievement method that the Su brothers gave our children!"
Women see this achievement method is also a look of shock light shout a.
This year Su Mo once heard from Lao Yan that this should be the old Yan Daolv Ningyu.
They didn’t soar at the same time, but they came from an Hanazono Sakura world. It was also a rare fate to gather in this snowy ridge, and later they married in the snowy ridge.
Ningyu seems to have thought of something: "Give all those condensate Yuan Dan you have saved over the years to Su Brothers."
Right, right, right.
Lao Yan also reacted and hurriedly took out a bag and handed it to Su Mo. "Su Brothers, this is more than 700 grains of condensate Yuan Dan that I have accumulated over the years …"
"no need"
Su Mo shook his head slightly. "I left this achievement method even if it was a small gift for my nephew."
Old Yan hesitated, "OK, since the Sue brothers said so, I have the cheek to answer it! In the future, the Su brothers will have a life, and my old man will definitely go through fire and water! "

"Are you willing to take this old ancient thing out?"

Extremely fire gentleman asked.
The ancient elders grind "is not forced by you! Take it away quickly or I may regret it! "
Guan Zi looked at Su Mo and said with a smile, "Take it. This is an ancient treasure with few heads."
Sue ink heart curious took the skins looked at.
The hide depicts a mysterious array of mysterious lines, forming a fan, which is one hundred times more complicated than all the arrays that Su Mo has seen!
The ancient elders said, "In ancient times, if you sent a large array to start, you can take the monks to hundreds of millions of miles away! Crossing the whole wild continent is not a problem! It’s a pity that the array pattern has long been lost. "
Su Mo was shocked and shouted, "Is this a big burst of lines?"
The ancient elders said, "Nice try! This is a large array of broken patterns, but you can gain something if you really understand them. "
Although it is a remnant, this treasure is amazing enough!
To some extent, it is more expensive than the instrument Dan medicine of Extreme Fire Daojun and others!
The ancient elders wanted to think gently cough again and again "and don’t blame me for not waking you! If you can really understand and activate this remnant array, don’t step into it easily. "
"The monk you lost before hasn’t come back yet?" Extremely fire gentleman asked.
The ancient elders looked awkward and snorted a conversation.
Official catalpa scruples about the ancient elders facing Su Mo’s sound: "Five thousand years ago, the ancient head arranged this remnant array according to the surface pattern."
"At that time, there were ten monks in the ancient gate who volunteered to try. However, after these ten monks were sent out, they never came back for more than 5,000 years. It should be run."
Su Mo secretly stunned.
Although this remnant array is valuable, it is really dangerous!
God knows where it will be sent after it is started.
If it is sent directly to the nest of the dragon skeleton valley, I’m afraid it will be killed by the dragon for the first time. Ten lives are not enough to die!
Su Mo put this hide away. At present, he doesn’t.
Everything is ready, and it’s extremely hot. You close your eyes and spread your knowledge, feeling the real node.
Extreme fire Dao Jun stretched out his palm, and a flame emerged in the palm, and a hole was getting bigger and bigger!
It’s dark and chaotic inside.
"Go ahead!"
Extreme fire said, "I can maintain this entrance for almost a month. If I have to see something, I will retreat to this entrance and come back."
Su Mo nodded, took a deep breath and jumped into the virtual space. The huge hole disappeared.
"Alas, a few brothers with titles are in it. It’s really run for him to go here."
Guan Zi sighed.
Extreme fire Tao Jun mused, "It’s not without a chance. If he can make a point, he will gain some strength in it."
"not big"
The ancient elders shook their heads and said, "Even if you get the great power, the aura inside will be exhausted, and there is almost no way to cultivate his realm or dharma ascension."
"There is a big gap between the demon race and the suppression of means, which is really a good chance for Emperor Yin and others."
The extremely angry gentleman whispered, "I hope he can survive this robbery!"
"Call Taoist Yuding and others to come here."
Extremely fire way gentleman commanded a again.
It didn’t take long for Taoist Yuding and dozens of Taoist returning to emptiness to arrive.
"Have you made up your mind to go in and find your chance normally?"
Extreme fire gentleman didn’t ask his younger brother to help Su Mo.

Liu Che said, "I am his student."

The leader said, "This is a military base. No one can get close to it. You need to wait outside for the announcement."
Mo Qingqing asked, "How long?"
The leader said, "We need to verify your identity before reporting to the level. We are not sure how long it will take. We will report as soon as possible."
Mo Qingqing "Oh" turned her head and looked at her eyes. The family of three animals were hungry for lack of food. Look at this shade again, as if it were going to blow a snowstorm. The power of the driving body made the ghost vine soar. In an instant, the place in front of them was filled with her ghost vine together with the wall. She sent herself to the man at the same height. She smiled and said, "Please hurry up. We are in a hurry."
The wind sighed and shouted "I’m sorry I didn’t stop her at the moment."
Liuche quietly put up a thumb.
Wu frowsty silently pay attention to those frightened soldier who aim their guns at Mo Qingqing.
Mo Qingqing posed cross-legged and looked at those who were pointing at her in the dark and said, "According to my visual calculation, the crystal content in your weapons is definitely not as dense as mine. According to my visual observation, your human body is not as dense as mine. My simple summary is that your bombs can’t hurt me, but I can knock you over by myself …" She raised herself a little bit and immediately looked at the whole place surrounded by walls. Her eyes lit up and shouted, "Liu Che Liu Che, I’m telling you about this city. The city wall … "She gestured excitedly and said," Yes, we now see that this side is a straight pen with an arc on both sides and a cliff behind it. According to my judgment, these people must have come from the cliff or the other side of the cliff. A small group of people are stationed in this place, which is estimated to be an outpost. We can see them around. "
The leader looked up at the bald guy who was more than ten meters taller than him and asked, "You-"
Mo Qingqing turned to him and said, "If you don’t look up to me, I can’t be chased by ordinary people. Forget it. I think you are quite inefficient and I won’t bother you. Goodbye." When she finished, she recovered her power and all the ghost vines withered quickly
Liu Che see potential wrong shout loudly "be careful! Feet-"words didn’t say that finish MoQingQing feet to support the weight of the ghost hand rattan has turned to ashes MoQingQing that two goods" bang "a hit into the snow nest buried shadow all can’t see the earth was her fall hit the earthquake not far from the cliff edge rumbled avalanche ring.
The wind inclined to continue to caress the forehead and really didn’t want to talk.
Wu sullenly pretended to see the scenery.
Liu Che wanted to say directly that he didn’t know Mo Qingqing.
Where the snow caved in, a shock followed the snow and was arched. Mo Qingqing emerged covered in snow.
Mo Qingqing said, "Don’t be nervous. I’m going to see if the snow is desert or their river bank." She also apologized to the soldiers on the tower, "Sorry, I cracked your river bank for a short time." She waved at them guiltily and rushed Liu Che, and they gestured to ask everyone to leave together.
The leading officer waved and let everyone shoot and shout "Bald head … Miss Liu …"
Bald … Mo Qingqing suddenly stopped to touch his bare head and asked grumpily, "Do you have a problem with my lack of hair?"
The officer quickly said, "No, no, I don’t know your name yet." I’m sorry, I’m sorry, "he said." Please wait a moment. I promise I won’t let you stay too long. It will also make it difficult for Academician Liu to go through the border post like this, won’t it? "
Mo Qingqing asked, "Do you have any food here?" She pointed to three green scales. "We have three animals to feed."
The officer nodded and said "Yes" and said to a monitor beside him, "The horse brought people to transport meat."
I have to admit that they are very efficient.
A large number of frozen meat and canned food arrived in less than half an hour.
Frozen meat is for a family of three green scaly beasts. The temperature is more than ten or twenty degrees. Unless it is heated or driven by living beasts, it will become frozen meat. However, the mouth of a family of three green scaly beasts can not be said to be frozen meat.
The base sent the meat by rope, and Aunt Qing kept the two children in the moat and carried the large pieces of meat back and forth by herself.
Although this beast meat is not exotic and does not contain powers, it is also delicious for aunts who are hungry to the bone after eating the powers.
A cat crouching in a bird’s nest in a tent refuses to nest in a warm tent and fly to a moat when it hears that there is meat to eat. When it sits on the ice with thick snow, it will bite its mouth. When it sees that it is ordinary animal meat, it will suddenly be disgusted with its expression, its face full of hair, and it will wave its claws to Aunt Qing’s side without looking at it. No one is hungry all the way, and it can be picky eaters.
Suddenly the ice on the moat made a slight noise.
Great aunt Qing yelled at the bird, and it was careful of the ice crack.
The heart bird "chirps, chirps, chirps, chirps, chirps, chirps" and replied that it is too heavy for you to crack.
Aunt Qing doesn’t appreciate all the birds, but she doesn’t care to ignore it. Anyway, it’s not like it when she falls into the ice later. It’s not afraid of water. Aunt Qing happily moves the meat back and forth, and the two cubs don’t lift their heads when they eat on the ice. They all yelled at all the birds to let them come.
The heart bird pointed its wings at Aunt Green and cracked the ice.
Also blunt LiuChe call to tell on.
Liu Che said, "Master, if I am not mistaken, that sound is from the ice. There is something at the bottom of the ice."
The bird was stunned and then reacted. Liu Che said what it was. It sat on the ice and snow ass as if it were burned by a soldering iron. It seemed sharp. The bird screamed and jumped up and fluttered its wings. The power was released toward the frozen moat like no money.
Power is released like a spring breeze blowing too much, and the snow melts quickly, even the ice melts
Great aunt Qing saw all the birds exploding and picking up a piece of meat and ran far away without looking back, watching the crazy bird warily.
Break a big hole with a diameter of more than 30 meters on the ice surface with a thin layer of ice.
Things at the bottom of the ice seem to be hitting the ice, too. They both fell into one thing in the ice and suddenly jumped out and bit Master Bird.
All the birds were so scared that they couldn’t even scream. They seemed to release the power in one breath, swept it over, waved their wings and flew directly to high school without looking back. It took a long time to let out a piercing scream. It was a terrible death to the young master.
It’s a big snakehead with a truck tire in its head and sharp teeth in its mouth.
Shore a few people also saw the big snakehead was burned in the master’s power.
A large number of snakeheads suddenly gushed out from the ice-breaking surface. These snakeheads, big and small, crowded together and raised a lot of spray. When the spray flew halfway, it formed an ice surface and was hit by them more and more.
There are still green aunts on the ice, and after moving the meat into the water, it attracts a lot of snakehead.
At this time, Liu Che saw clearly the appearance of these fish and recognized it. This kind of fish is distributed in underground caves, underground rivers and deep pools, and it looks particularly like a variant of snakehead at the front table. However, the proportion of this big black fish head is much larger than that of snakehead at the table. In terms of eating habits, it is also very similar to piranha. Many big animals will suffer when a group of fish comes in. After all, even big animals can rarely cover their bodies by power. If they are not good at water and have power to cover them, they will not be able to struggle for a long time.
Mo Qingqing saw so many fish and put the ghost vine in.
Liu Che shouted "Mo Erhuo don’t …"
The ferocious big snakehead directly attacked Mo Qingqing’s ghost vine.
Caulis Bidentatae didn’t cover the power, and immediately it was bitten off by their sharp teeth, and the juice of Caulis Bidentatae splashed-