
### 中医学角度


1. **养心补肾**:中医认为,麦米有养心的功效,可以帮助心气不足的人改善症状。
2. **健脾和胃**:麦米对脾胃有良好的调和作用,适用于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振的人群。
3. **补血止血**:麦米有助于补血,对于血虚引起的头晕、面色苍白等症状有一定的改善作用。
4. **安神宁志**:麦米有安神的作用,对于失眠多梦、心神不宁等问题有缓解效果。
5. **增加食欲**:对于食欲不振的人,麦米可以帮助增进食欲。

### 营养学角度

1. **碳水化合物和纤维素**:麦米含有丰富的碳水化合物和纤维素,有助于提供能量和促进肠道健康。
2. **蛋白质和氨基酸**:麦米含有大量的蛋白质和必需氨基酸,有助于身体的修复和生长。
3. **维生素B族**:麦米是维生素B族的良好来源,有助于营养神经和改善失眠多梦的状态。


### 注意事项

1. **过量摄入**:尽管麦米有许多好处,但过量摄入可能导致腹胀等消化不良症状。
2. **特定人群**:对于肠道蠕动减慢的人群,建议适量食用麦米,以免加重肠道负担。




1. **滋养肌肤**:许多花卉含有丰富的营养成分,如维生素C、维生素E、抗氧化剂等,这些成分有助于滋养肌肤,增强皮肤弹性和光泽。

2. **美白肌肤**:桃花、菊花等花卉含有多种天然美白成分,可以帮助淡化斑点,使肌肤更加白皙。

3. **抗氧化**:花卉中的抗氧化成分可以有效对抗自由基,减缓皮肤老化过程,保持肌肤年轻。

4. **保湿**:玫瑰花、芦荟等花卉具有天然的保湿作用,能够为肌肤补充水分,使肌肤保持水润。


5. **治疗粉刺和面疮**:玫瑰花、桃花等花卉具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,对于治疗粉刺和面疮有一定的帮助。

6. **改善肤色**:茉莉花、菊花等花卉中的成分可以改善肤色,使肤色更加均匀。

7. **促进血液循环**:一些花卉如桃花、玫瑰等具有活血化瘀的作用,可以促进血液循环,使面色红润。

8. **舒缓压力**:花卉的香气可以舒缓压力,帮助人们放松身心,从而对肌肤健康产生积极影响。



– **桃花**:将新鲜的桃花捣烂取汁涂于脸部,轻轻按摩片刻,可达到面色红润、皮肤润泽光洁的效果。

– **菊花**:菊花茶具有清热解毒、补气血的功效,常饮可美白肌肤,抗衰老。

– **玫瑰花**:玫瑰花瓣浸入醋中,静置一周后过滤,用清水稀释汁液可用来洗脸,治疗粉刺、面疮等。

– **芦荟**:芦荟含有丰富的凝胶质液体,具有保湿、消炎的作用,可直接用于敷脸。



1. **补充水分**:海藻在遇水时会释放大量的胶原蛋白,其中的氨基酸、维生素、藻精聚合物和粘多糖等成分可以帮助皮肤补充水分,使肌肤保持水润。

2. **保湿**:海藻中的成分能够帮助皮肤吸收胶原蛋白的氨基酸,从而保持皮肤一整天的湿润状态。


3. **清洁毛孔**:海藻胶进入毛孔后,能够吸附并带出毛孔中的脏东西,帮助清洁皮肤。

4. **提亮肤色**:通过清洁毛孔,肌肤看起来会更加明亮。

5. **细嫩皮肤**:海藻胶中的氨基酸能够润滑皮肤,使皮肤看起来更加光滑有光泽。

6. **消除痘痘**:海藻具有消除有害微生物的作用,对痘痘有一定的治疗效果。

7. **缩小毛孔**:对于油性皮肤,海藻胶可以粘附并带出毛孔中的油脂和污垢,使毛孔变得干净清爽。

8. **美白和祛斑**:海藻面膜具有美白效果,可以淡化斑点,改善皮肤颜色。

9. **促进血液循环**:中药海藻面膜通过内调外敷,可以促进表皮血液循环,加快皮肤新陈代谢,从而达到活血、化瘀、美白、淡斑等功效。


10. **抗衰老**:海藻中的某些成分能够帮助改善皮肤松弛和皱纹,使肌肤看起来更加年轻。

11. **抗病毒和防癌**:海藻中的某些提取物具有抗病毒和抗癌作用。

12. **调节油脂分泌**:海藻面膜可以调整干性和油性皮肤的分泌状态,使之趋向中性。

13. **提高皮肤免疫力**:海藻酸钠等成分可以增强皮肤的保水性、紧实度和弹性,提高皮肤的免疫力。

14. **促进伤口愈合**:海藻中的某些成分可以帮助伤口愈合,改善皮肤疤痕。



1. **丰富的营养素**:海洋葡萄含有多种维生素和矿物质,如维生素A、C、E、B群以及钙、铁、钾等。这些营养素对于维持身体正常功能至关重要。

2. **抗氧化作用**:海洋葡萄中含有的抗氧化物质如多酚、花青素等,可以帮助中和体内的自由基,从而减缓细胞老化过程,降低患慢性疾病的风险。

3. **改善心血管健康**:海洋葡萄中的抗氧化物质能够降低血脂、抗血栓形成,有助于预防心脑血管疾病。

4. **抗炎作用**:海洋葡萄中的某些成分具有抗炎效果,有助于减轻炎症性疾病,如关节炎。

5. **调节血糖**:海洋葡萄中的某些成分可能有助于调节血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有益。

6. **促进消化**:海洋葡萄富含膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化功能。

7. **美容护肤**:海洋葡萄中的营养成分可以促进肌肤健康,帮助肌肤保持水润和弹性。

8. **改善免疫力**:海洋葡萄中的多种维生素和矿物质有助于增强免疫系统,提高身体抵抗力。

9. **抗衰老**:海洋葡萄中的抗氧化成分有助于延缓衰老过程,保护皮肤免受自由基的伤害。

10. **减轻压力**:海洋葡萄中的一些成分可能有助于减轻压力,改善心理健康。




1. **药用价值**:肉桂具有温中补阳、散寒止痛、温经通脉等功效,常用于治疗腰膝冷痛、手脚冰凉、寒气湿重等症。对于改善体内寒气湿重所引起的症状,如手脚冰凉、疼痛,肉桂可以起到温经通脉的作用。

2. **调节血糖**:现代科学研究显示,肉桂能够激活脂肪细胞对胰岛素的反应能力,加速葡萄糖的新陈代谢,有助于控制血糖,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. **缓解痛经**:肉桂能防治肾阳不足,改善体质虚寒所致的腰疼,对缓解女性痛经有积极作用。

4. **抗氧化**:肉桂富含多酚等抗氧化剂,可以保护身体免受自由基引起的氧化损伤,具有一定的抗衰老作用。

5. **抗炎**:肉桂具有抗炎特性,可以帮助身体抵抗感染和修复组织损伤,对于慢性炎症有一定的缓解作用。

6. **改善学习和记忆能力**:肉桂中的芳香化合物,特别是肉桂醛,能够增强大脑功能,改善神经传导,促进脑细胞之间的信号传递,从而增强学习和记忆能力。

7. **调节睡眠**:肉桂中的某些成分可以调节睡眠周期,提高睡眠质量,有助于改善学习和记忆能力。


8. **促进消化**:肉桂有去风健胃、活血祛瘀、散寒止痛之效,能减缓轻腹泻及反胃,缓和充血状况,帮助末梢循环。


9. **抵抗霉菌感染**:肉桂具有抵抗霉菌感染的作用,对于某些感染性疾病有一定的防治效果。

10. **减肥**:肉桂、肉豆蔻以及生姜等香料可以提高饱腹感,模仿甜食的作用,有助于减肥。



1. **皮肤美容**:椰子水中含有丰富的细胞分裂素和月桂酸,这些成分有助于调节皮肤细胞的发育,减少皮肤细胞的老化,平衡皮肤pH值,保持皮肤组织的强壮和皮肤的水分,从而达到美容的效果。

2. **减少水分流失**:椰子水含有丰富的钾和矿物质,这些成分有助于调节体内的液体平衡,补充体内水分,尤其是在腹泻、霍乱、流感等导致脱水的情况下,椰子水是很好的补水选择。

3. **对心脏有益**:椰子水有助于调节血压,增加高密度脂蛋白胆固醇,这是一种有益于心脏健康的成分。因此,定期饮用椰子水可以维护心脏健康。

4. **提升能量**:椰子水中富含维生素、矿物质和营养成分,这些成分能够为人体提供能量,是一种很好的能量补充饮料。


5. **帮助减肥**:椰子水含有营养成分,能够促进新陈代谢,调节血糖,控制食欲,从而有助于减肥。

6. **改善健康**:椰子水有助于减少胃肠道的异常,消除口腔的热量,帮助身体在脱水后迅速恢复。

7. **抗菌、抗炎**:椰子水具有抗病毒、抗菌、抗炎和抗氧化作用,这些特性有助于治疗严重的健康问题。

8. **营养补充**:椰子水中含有钙、镁、磷、钾和钠等电解质,是电解质丰富的天然来源之一,适用于不同生活条件的个体。

9. **对儿童的好处**:椰子水中富含钙,有助于预防佝偻病,治疗婴儿肠胃炎,降暑,杀蛔虫,对皮疹、水痘和麻疹等引起的发热也有很好的效果。

10. **对哺乳期妈妈的好处**:哺乳期妈妈可以经常饮用椰子水,以增加钙的摄入,满足宝宝对钙的需求。

11. **治疗醉酒**:椰子水可以安抚胃部,补充因饮酒而流失的电解质。

12. **有助消化**:椰子水有助于消化系统的健康。


Where can he escape? If Yang Guang wants to greet other human beings with him, Jia Ke is a dead word.

To lure Yang Guang to his companion?
The possibility is not great, but it will make them catch all the creatures from other worlds.
At the end of the day, they are the world’s vanguard of invading fighters, and they don’t need to do much to find a safer stronghold. If the fighters in Linhai City can’t find them in a short time, they can enter the sea.
In general, it is difficult to find them according to clues.
Of course, Wu Zong may have a way, but the great men of mankind have been pinned down by the earl of another world.
Either way, there will be a battle between the two.
Yang guang wants to protect He Yong ‘an to get paid, but also wants to play against creatures from different worlds.
And Jia Ke’s fight with Yang Guanggan is purely self-help. Only when Yang Guang is defeated can he have a chance to meet his companions safely from here. Of course, the development of robbing weapons stores must have failed.
However, He Yong’s weapon shop is too small to stretch his hands.
At the same time, it is not conducive to Jia Ke’s subsequent escape
"Go out" Jia Kekou
"Line" Yang guang natural have no opinion.
Yu Yong took advantage of the chaos to hide in the vault, and no one cared. It’s a pity that even if He Yong brought his mobile phone into the vault, it would be impossible to call the police because the vault was made of different world metals, which not only isolated the sound but also isolated the cell phone signal.
And Yang guang two people quickly out of the weapon shop.
Is just going out front foot Jia Ke a turn around, it should be regarded as a werewolf sharp claws stabbed Yang Guang key parts to be stabbed, that is, like a stout man.
Will die instantly.
But if it’s so simple, what’s the point?
If you talk about the realm of light regardless of strength, then Yang Guang can just throw in the towel, but even the game is divided into low-level situations and high-level ones.
In addition to ultra-high technology, krypton players are dressed in all kinds of extreme equipment and techniques, which is simply hanging ordinary players!
And Yang Guang is now half a kryptonite player. First of all, it is difficult for ordinary people to practice Wushu to a small level at his age, and it is still a breakthrough in martial arts by dzogchen.
Even the advanced martial arts attack power is sometimes incompetent in front of Yang Guang.
What do you mean, half a kryptonite player? That’s because Yang Guangyou doesn’t know much about many aspects, and the foundation is not very solid. This is also a shortcoming of the realm of rapid martial arts. Of course, the lack of famous teachers is also one of the problems.
However, in the face of Jia Ke’s claw attack, Yang Guang quickly turned to the steel knife block.
"bang!" The two intersect to make a harsh sound.
Chapter one hundred and sixty First Battle Vampires
How should this harsh sound be shaped?
It’s like a fingernail scraping the blackboard, which makes people feel a little numb. However, after Yang Guang experienced the scream of female ghost Ma Wen, the contrast can still bear such a harsh sound.
Injakoli’s claws are not steel, but an extension of bone spurs.
But talent makes it harder than it is.
It was this time that the attack was not as simple as Jia Ke thought. At the moment when Yang Guang held a golden steel knife in his hand and his claws met, he knew that he could not match him.
He’s a real brittle mage, and Yang Guang is a warrior’s own weakness. His strength is to die, and the gravity attached to the blade makes Jia Ke almost unstable.
If it’s just a fight and there is a mistake, Jia Ke can think that the other party will try to attack.
But no matter how good he wants to be, Yang Guang is not stupid.
It is clear that this so-called vampire is far from his opponent in terms of pure power.
It’s appropriate to chase Yang Guang, the poor robber, with a knife and cheat him again.
With a wave of his knife, he whistled directly at Jia Ke’s body and cut it off, which was a terrible power.
This kind of savage play is very disadvantageous in the face of an opponent with light figure and extremely fast speed. Because he misses the words, he will lose his strength and get himself into trouble. After being evaded by him, he will find a door to fight back.
But the question is, can Jia Ke find a way to break the enemy in an instant?
He didn’t do it.
Because of the danger of Yang Guang’s quick attack, he couldn’t think about the problem at all, and he couldn’t find a way to break the enemy. He didn’t even have a chance to escape because he must delay a few seconds when he was wearing a wing.
At that time, Yang Guang’s knife will make a clean break with him.
What’s more, spreading his own wings is equivalent to magnifying his weakness several times and exposing it to Yang Guangdao’s wings. He is running for his life, not the enemy.
They can escape linhai city many fighters after the vampire wing but helped a lot.
Who else can do such a thing besides Wu Zong’s ability to fly? Vampire wings can’t make him fly like a bird all the time, but it’s still no problem to fly thousands of meters away, especially in the face of Yang Guang’s attack with a golden steel knife, he can’t cut himself off.
Therefore, Jia Ke was able to resist without hesitation, and his claws crossed directly and stuck the blade of the gold steel blade so that it could not advance or retreat.
Yang guang tried to pull it out, but the blade didn’t move at all, but even so, Yang guang still occupied the wind
Giaco could feel that his bone spurs and claws seemed to be reaching the limit.
Nine times out of ten, his spurs and claws will be broken if he comes a few more times. It is true that the spurs are hard, but it is also relatively speaking. The hardness of the main smelting gold steel knife facing special metals in different worlds is far superior to that of his spurs.

"I said that except for underage children, the rest of the Feng family were killed." Meng Xi emphasized the sentence.

Ma Laoer looked at him for half a second and growled, "Those women are not carrying guns."
Meng Xi glared at the soldiers behind him and pointed to them and shouted, "Look back at them!"
Ma Laoer slowly looked up and saw the dark cheeks and frostbite of the Ministry of War of Sichuan Province. A large part of them were wrapped in gauze and rolled through the bullets in the artillery fire. I don’t know how many times I went back to the military uniform.
"They are not poor? ! Aren’t their lives their lives? ! I fucking say it again, the way to end the war is that there is peace only if there is victory in the war! " Meng Xi shouted, "If Feng’s family doesn’t kill Feng, those generals won’t be afraid, and they won’t worry that their wives and children will be executed. You must act and tell them that if they don’t surrender, none of them will be saved, and they will be ruined!"
Ma Laoer clenched his fist and was silent for a few seconds. His back waved to some relatives of Feng Chengzhang, "Raise your gun!"
Yang Weiping District Superintendent A large number of cadres Feng, their wives’ department was pushed into the street.
The horse’s second lip twitched and raised his hand and never let it go.
Meng Xi shot into the sky and waved his hand and shouted, "Execute the order!"
"surrender! ! ! You surrender! "
More than 30 soldiers of Sichuan government looked at the six or seven women in front of them with guns and cried, they are also suffering and their hearts are full of struggle …
"Execute the command! !”
Meng Xi shouted again
"Dadada …!"
A row of bullets swept away, and the first batch was pushed out. The relatives of the Feng family were killed and no one was left alive.
Meng Xi shouted again at the enemy’s defense zone with a gun in his hand, "There are still five minutes to surrender and continue to kill."
The two battalion commanders of the Ministry of Defense were in a daze after watching the Feng family’s department being dried up in the high tower.
Their families are all in the city, and the military compound is broken, and their families are likely to be captured.
Just this time, shooting is better than charging ten thousand people. Feng’s core generals and commanders are all at a loss.
Feng Chengzhang, the hospital car, listened to the guns coming from the street, clenched his fists and rushed to the driver and said, "Let’s go!"
The Municipal Building
Feng Yunian wore a decent suit, put a gun in his waist, stepped out of the building and rushed to the defense department …
Chapter 22 Before calculating and blocking all external factors
Songjiang city has been completely chaotic, except for other regions near Beikou administrative region, which are full of fierce guns.
The terrain of the city is complex, the streets are four accessible and winding, and the surrounding areas are residential buildings and high-rise buildings. The Sichuan Army also implements the principle of multi-unit infiltration, adhering to the tactics of fighting where the defensive points are weak, and small units have already completed their breakthrough and raided all the way to Jiangnan District.
Meng Xi, near the Ministry of Defence, was very anxious when he kept watching his watch, because at this time, the north wind mouth should have already met the enemy, and there was not much left for him to take Songjiang.
Next to a building, Meng Xi was preparing to communicate with Daya, but the other party contacted him first. "About one and a half regiments of troops on my side have infiltrated into Jiangnan District, and I will take the main force for a while. We are entangled in the Magou Bridge outside Jiangnan District, and we have to fight in the past before we can enter."
"Is this one and a half regiments winning?" Meng Xi asked
"Definitely not. It’s all small troops infiltrating. The total force has one and a half regiments." Daya shook his head.
"Well, you immediately let them go to the defense department to fight here." Meng Xi gritted his teeth and replied, "Old stubborn gnawing will also kill Feng Chengzhang here."
"Ok, you move my order." Fang obviously Meng Xi’s view is unanimous and decisive, and he hangs up the intercom as soon as he responds.
Hutong edge
Meng Xi turned his head to look at a command officer and said, "Give me the card of Officer Feng’s family to the periphery and intercept the other side’s support forces at each approach intersection. Remember to keep these prisoners in the position where the enemy can see them. If they hit you hard, don’t be soft."
The officer hesitated and saluted firmly "Yes!"
"Go ahead"
Meng Xi responded with an automatic rifle in his right hand and shouted, "Prepare to attack!"
Ma Laoer and others also pulled the bolt.
The Ministry of Defence has protected Feng Chengzhang, and two armies have started a large number of soldiers to rush out of the camp and cover the motorcade to break through on both sides of the road.
On the east side of the defense department, Li Shihong fired a gun and shouted, "When the charge blows, the staff will stop the enemy from breaking through!"
At the sound of the charge, the soldiers of the artillery regiment poured out of the bunker to stop the breakthrough Feng Corps.
"da da da!"
On the other side, a dozen machine guns roared at the same time, and Meng Xima and others led nearly six or seven hundred people to attack the defense department.
Feng, the deputy brigade commander of the command vehicle, shouted with a mobile phone, "Mr. Li, you need to protect the commander’s side by withdrawing all the troops of the new Second Division in the direction of Jiangnan District."
"I have made the troops retreat to the south of the Yangtze River, but the city is in a mess now. Guns are being fired everywhere, and small units are fighting. It is easy to meet the enemy’s infiltration troops when it is necessary to withdraw," Li Jie replied naively.
"As much as you can, go to Changji first."
"Well, I’ll let the recent troops drive to Jiangnan District." Li Jie immediately replied.

Is it time to prove that this problem has been solved?

Naturally, Yang Guang took out the ghost stone, which is a perfect thing to keep ghosts.
Moreover, this is not just about picking up people and saying that it is solved. Once there are future troubles, you have to bear the punishment when you pick up people at the beginning. More importantly, you have lost your face and lost your reputation.
There are many successes, but there are also failures If some estimates are wrong, they will be replaced by higher-level fighters to solve them. For example, once Ma Wen’s true strength is known, he will at least send advanced military warfare to solve the problem.
The settlement of these matters is considered as a final review. After that, meritorious points will be distributed to fighters’ black cards.
But there is another important thing that Yang Guang told Li Jinbao about that great contribution.
"According to Ma Wen, there are many ghost knots in a place called Duanlongshan, which is more than 20 miles away from Xihe Village, as if to slaughter ten thousand people to make a living sacrifice to revive a beautiful ghost."
"What? What you said is true? "
Yang guang, of course, is not sure whether it is true or not, but it is very likely.
But even so, it was a shock.
Because this thing is simply too horrible!
If 245 people are killed in a major case and are still in a place where news is blocked, it can be partially covered up, then ten thousand people will die, and the calf will be finished.
When the time comes, the leaders of the central Sichuan Province will not only be punished, but even the people of the fighters association in the central Sichuan Province will have to get unlucky income. After learning about this matter, Yang Guang will directly return to his office and join the fighters association.
Chapter one hundred and twenty-four Mobile phones and gifts
Yang guang two people don’t worry about it is their credit is not less.
The first of them should also be approved soon.
The meritorious service point obtained this time is also an addition to Yang Guang’s head. The most important thing is that a ghost stone with a value of ten million yuan and this great contribution.
Presumably Yang Guang will take the lead.
Yang guang is also in contact with the circle of warfare.
Generally speaking, it is impossible for ordinary people to know such things.
After all, the world is full of dangers.
Fortunately, his family all live in the city, and if those messy things don’t attack human-populated cities like crazy, then their safety can be guaranteed.
If the blood sacrifice of ten thousand people happens this time, then the choice must be next to those mountainous rural areas. After all, rural people generally live in scattered places and are not so easy to expose.
At present, there is no Yang Guang thing in the fighters association for the time being, and it’s not that he can manage it. After all, Yang Guangcai didn’t arrive at the fighters association for a day. For the inside situation, he is equal to Xiaobai.
Sue Li Jinbao later. Don’t prepare to help Ma Wen solve his worries first.
However, he just remembered that he didn’t go rashly before the police solved the matter, depending on how the police defined the tragedy.
After all, I don’t know how to deal with this kind of thing. Of course, Yang Guang also please Li Jinbao. If the police report this matter, they should tell him first.
You know, Yang Guang once said to help Ma Wen solve the future trouble. Li Jinbao naturally agreed to come.
Yang Guangyi doesn’t know what to do without Hongcheng Warrior Association.
But then I remembered that I had to go to the light cave in Fanghu Park.
Once the cave of light appeared, he was in the martial arts exam. After the martial arts exam, he had some bad things. Now is not the time for the cave of light to start, even if he doesn’t want to go right away.
Generally speaking, when he wants to disappear for a while, he will tell his parents to worry about himself.
Later, he took a taxi home, but on the way, he heard some mobile phone shops doing activities and playing music to announce it.
"Master, please step on it. I want to buy a mobile phone."
After paying the car, Yang Guang walked towards the flagship store selling mobile phones.
Former Yang Guang may have forgotten to buy a gift for his sister or something expensive. Now that he is here, why not buy a better mobile phone as a gift for her further study?
In order to take care of the vanity of little girls, Yang Guang specially found an Apple mobile phone store, because this brand of mobile phone is the most expensive and easy to satisfy a little vanity of little girls.
After entering Apple’s mobile phone store, there is no such thing as the novel, where some dog looks down on the salesman to ridicule that ordinary Yang Guang can’t afford this expensive mobile phone.
You should know that many people who buy Apple mobile phones have a large number of workers besides some elite white-collar workers.
The comparison wind can be passed in not fade away.
Before Yang Guang, I couldn’t understand that people who worked hard for two or three thousand dollars a month had to buy six or seven dollars for Apple mobile phones, and I couldn’t understand that some people sold kidney organs to buy mobile phones, and I couldn’t understand that some college students actually went to "naked" loans to buy mobile phones.
The former is easy to say, after all, each has his own ideas, makes his own money, and can distribute it as a reward gift for himself, but the people behind him will not have sympathy, even if there are serious consequences, he is to blame.
"Hello, what kind of mobile phone do you need to buy? We have six rows of apples to apples, as well as tablets and notebooks. "
"Do you have a pink Apple phone? That’s the color that little girls like." What’s the high configuration and high performance? What’s the case of local gold and silver mobile phones? Not many little girls buy mobile phones, not only to satisfy vanity, but also to look good.
And pink columns are the most popular.
"Is it for your girlfriend? Then she is really happy. "
For female sales, Yang Guang smiled and said with a smile, "I will buy a little girl for my sister."
Female sales, she said this kind of words is either befriending, and ultimately she wants people to buy mobile phones, so it is not so embarrassing. She can still maintain a good attitude to introduce mobile phones.
In fact, if Yang Guang is going to buy a mobile phone, he will definitely buy it if the female salesperson doesn’t say something disgusting. If he isn’t going to buy it, no matter what the introduction is, it won’t be top.
In the end, Yang Guangxuan chose the latest pink iPhng mobile phone, and of course, there is a tablet computer to take notes. Even if that thing is prepared in Hongcheng Home Villa.
The final settlement price was more than 11 thousand yuan, and she took the initiative to wipe her head
Yang guang swiped his card because although the wealth value in his gold finger can be quickly exchanged for gold, the total cash is still inconvenient, especially when the amount is large.
Just because he paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in his bank card when it was not needed.
"Welcome next time"
After leaving the Apple mobile phone store, he entered the Xiaomi flagship store next to him, and directly chose three 3,000 pieces of the latest Xiaomi mobile phones, plugged them into the mobile phone card and left.

"I don’t beat her to death! !” Qin Yu responded briefly.

"We can find a way to transport her back through negotiation, not by military means!"
"Dad, I’m not a child! You know better than anyone whether the other party will let people go! Will you agree if they want Yandao shares in exchange for cocoa? Will it? " Qin Yu roared back, "This thing will produce two results: I enjoy cocoa like a coward and win me shares and then watch her die!" Two, whether I attack the seventh district or not, I will not bear him! Live up to everyone we fight for with our lives! "
"isn’t it normal for the dead to struggle in the region? Xiaoyu, you are the leader of Chuanfu. You can’t be so childish! " Yao-zong Lin roared to persuade
"… if the leader is a loser hiding in his desk and enjoying the benefits of fighting for his life, then I can’t be the leader!" Qin Yu gritted his teeth and answered, "I’m sure I will!" Dad, you are not persuading me, that’s all! "
Say that finish Qin Yu hang up and went straight into the hq.
five minutes later
Lin Nianlei hurried to HQ from home with her child in her arms.
In another ten minutes, some major generals have arrived at the general logistics department of the army.
Gu Taian was a little worried and said to everyone, "I, a little disciple, have to discuss with the big guy in Nezha how to cooperate if he wants to hit our side!"
"I don’t recommend playing!" A chief of staff of the General Staff Department immediately got up and said, "What Qin Yu did was purely a kindergarten child’s behavior, but he lost his mind …!"
Gu Taian gave him a cold look, and the latter sat directly.
Near 112 supply
Coco was escorted to the helicopter in handcuffs and shackles.
Chapter 174 I have decided to fight.
Seventh District South Shanghai No.1 Theater Command
Jun Chen sat in his father’s office and frowned and said, "We have been sharing this incident …"
Before Jun Chen finished, Chen Zhongren slowly got up and interrupted, "Qin Yuhang is not very rational. It is not appropriate to engage in military friction now."
Jun Chen hesitated for a long time and insisted, "From the fact, it’s unrealistic for us to stay out of the way if there is any change at one point in Sichuan’s government."
"That’s where his irrationality lies," Chen Zhongren said, wringing his eyebrows. "We’re really angry here with Gu Guji. How did you end up?"
Jun Chen was silent.
"Wait a minute. Gu Taian should join us with the Jockey Club." Chen Zhongren stepped towards the window.
At present, the main military chiefs of the Sichuan government, the first division of Chongdu Independent, have arrived here.
Qin Yu put his hands on the desktop and said seriously, "This time, we took the lead in firing the first gun king He Nan …"
"Sister-in-law, you can’t go in!"
Qin Yu had just said half a word when a small mourning shout came outside the meeting room.
Everyone smells back.
Door Lin Nianlei holding the child stepped into the room.
Qin Yu was dazed and immediately said, "I will go out and wait for you first."
"You, you and I won’t bother you." Lin Nianlei bent down and sat down with her child in her arms.
When the officers saw this, their expressions were somewhat complicated.
Qin Yu frowned at the big guy and said, "You wait for a while first, and I’ll deal with some personal matters."
After Qin Yu came to Lin Nianlei, "Can you go out and talk?"
Lin Nianlei is not a bitch or a little woman who doesn’t understand anything. She glanced at Qin Yu and slowly got up and took the lead in walking out.
After dozens of seconds, the husband and wife came to the lounge and Qin Yu conveniently opened the door.
Room quiet two people who didn’t speak first have a little different stretched out his hand and grabbed Qin Yu face silent?
"I seldom ask about your fortifications," Lin Nianlei took the lead in saying with her child in her arms. "Dad just called me and said a lot that he didn’t agree with your move."
After Qin Yu was silent for a long time, "I told him I would definitely fight."
Lin Nianlei looked up at Qin Yu. "Did he advise you?"