
1. **止痛**:胃蚬壳散对于胃痛、背痛、肝痛等症状具有显著的止痛效果。其主要成分如海螵蛸、石脂等,能够中和胃酸,缓解因胃酸过多引起的上腹疼痛。

2. **止呕**:该药对于恶心、呕吐等症状有缓解作用,适用于因胃部问题引起的恶心和反胃。

3. **调理脾胃**:胃蚬壳散具有调理脾胃的作用,能够增强脾胃的消化能力,改善脾胃虚弱引起的恶心呕吐等症状。

4. **消滞去胀**:对于因脾胃不和引起的腹胀、饱胀、气顶等症状,胃蚬壳散有消滞去胀的效果。

5. **调节神经**:胃蚬壳散还能调节神经,对于因神经衰弱引起的头晕、耳鸣、失眠、烦躁、焦虑等症状有一定的改善作用。

6. **保护胃粘膜**:胃蚬壳散中的某些成分可以保护胃粘膜,减少胃酸对胃壁的损害。


7. **促进消化吸收**:对于消化不良、食欲不振等症状,胃蚬壳散可以促进营养的吸收,增强体质。



– **孕妇不宜**:由于药物成分可能对胎儿产生不良影响,孕妇应避免使用。
– **小儿减量**:儿童使用时应根据医嘱减量。
– **饮食禁忌**:服用期间应避免食用海鲜、烟酒、辛辣刺激及油腻食物。
– **用药期间**:不宜与茶水同服,以免影响药效。



1. **清热解毒**:绿豆具有清热解毒的功效,对于夏季中暑、口舌生疮、咽喉肿痛等热性病症有很好的缓解作用。


2. **利水消肿**:绿豆薏米汤可以促进体内水分代谢,有助于消除水肿,对脚气、水肿等病症有一定的缓解效果。


3. **健脾利湿**:薏米具有健脾利湿的作用,可以改善泄泻、筋脉拘挛、水肿等症状。

4. **减肥瘦身**:薏米富含纤维质,低脂、低热量,有助于减肥,同时其美白和除斑功能对下半身水肿的人特别有效。

5. **预防心血管疾病**:绿豆薏米汤中的成分有助于降低血中胆固醇和三酸甘油脂,预防高血脂、高血压、中风等心血管疾病。

6. **降血脂和降血糖**:绿豆薏米汤含有水溶性纤维,可以吸附胆盐,减少肠道对脂肪的吸收,从而有助于降低血脂肪和血糖。

7. **促进新陈代谢**:该汤品有助于体内血液和水分的新陈代谢,具有利尿和消水肿的作用,同时帮助排便。

8. **美白肌肤**:绿豆薏米汤富含维生素E,有助于消除斑点,使肌肤白皙,长期饮用还有助于滋润肌肤。

9. **补充营养**:绿豆和薏米都富含碳水化合物、蛋白质、维生素和矿物质,适量饮用可以补充人体所需的营养物质。


10. **增进食欲**:绿豆薏米汤口感甘甜,适量饮用有助于增进食欲,特别是在夏季食欲不振时,饮用此汤品可帮助恢复食欲。



### 霍斛的功效:

1. **养胃生津**:霍斛能够滋养胃阴,生津止渴,适用于治疗胃阴不足、口干烦渴、食少干呕等症状。

2. **滋阴清热**:具有滋阴降火的作用,对于热病津伤、病后虚热、阴虚火旺等有改善效果。

3. **明目**:有助于改善视力,对于因肝阳上亢引起的眼部疾病,如视物不清有一定的治疗效果。

4. **增强免疫力**:能够促进细胞生长,延缓衰老,并保护心脑血管,对于消化系统疾病和食欲不振也有辅助治疗作用。

5. **清肝利胆**:促进肝脏排毒,有助于胆汁分泌,可用于解酒、胆囊炎、胆道疾病等。

6. **降糖**:具有明显的降糖作用,可用于治疗糖尿病。

7. **改善睡眠**:有助于改善睡眠质量,使人入睡容易,入睡后不易醒。

### 霍斛的应用:

1. **治疗消化系统疾病**:如慢性萎缩性胃炎,通过促进肠胃蠕动和保护胃黏膜来改善症状。

2. **眼科疾病**:如青光眼、白内障、视神经炎等,通过滋阴降火和明目作用来治疗。

3. **免疫系统疾病**:通过增强免疫力来辅助治疗。

4. **心脑血管疾病**:如高血压、高血脂等,通过保护心脑血管来改善症状。

5. **抗衰老**:通过延缓衰老来维持年轻状态。


6. **保健养生**:对于经常熬夜、用脑过度、烟酒过度、体力不支、咽干、手脚心发热、夜间盗汗等亚健康人群,霍斛可以作为养生保健品。

### 用法:




1. **改善血液循环**:银杏茶中的黄酮类物质可以加快血液循环,有助于净化血液,清除血液中的多种毒素,从而维持血液的清洁和健康。

2. **抗氧化作用**:银杏茶含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如银杏内酯和银杏黄酮,这些成分能够对抗自由基,减少氧化应激,有助于延缓衰老过程。

3. **保护血管**:银杏茶能强化人体动脉、静脉和毛细血管的抵抗力,有助于消除血管淤血,促使内脏功能正常,尤其对高血压患者有益。

4. **改善脑部血液循环**:银杏茶可以增加颈动脉血流量,促使大脑获得更多血液,从而改善脑供血问题,对提高记忆力、改善认知功能有积极作用。

5. **调节血压、血脂、血糖**:银杏茶具有调节血压、降血脂和降血糖的功效,对高血糖、高血压、高血脂人群有辅助治疗作用。

6. **预防动脉粥样硬化**:银杏茶能促进末梢血管强壮,帮助硬化血管恢复弹性,降低血液中胆固醇含量,预防动脉粥样硬化。


7. **增强免疫能力**:银杏茶中的成分有助于提高身体免疫力,增强身体对疾病的抵抗力。

8. **美容养颜**:银杏茶中的抗氧化成分有助于延缓衰老,使皮肤更加年轻健康。


– 低血压患者
– 月经期女性
– 低血糖患者
– 孕妇
– 有心脑血管疾病的患者(因为银杏叶中的某些成分可能刺激脑血管)



1. **增强肝脏代谢功能**:三七花茶能够促进肝脏的代谢,有助于减少体内脂肪积聚,降低血脂,防止动脉粥样硬化,提高免疫力。

2. **扩张血管,畅通血流**:三七花中的三七皂苷成分能够迅速扩张血管,软化血管,抗血栓,降低血液粘稠度,清除血管壁的钙质沉着,调节血脂异常。

3. **调节血脂**:三七花茶能抑制血清中胆固醇浓度的上升,促进胆汁酸的分泌,分解多余的胆固醇,预防心脑、肾、肝、血管疾症。

4. **清热解毒**:三七花茶有清热解毒的功效,对于上火引起的口腔溃疡、咽喉炎等都有一定的治疗作用。

5. **平肝凉血,降压降脂**:对于高血压、头昏、目眩、耳鸣等症状,三七花茶有一定的预防和缓解作用。


6. **镇静安神**:三七花茶对中枢神经系统有抑制作用,能够镇静安神,适用于失眠等症。

7. **抗疲劳,抗衰老**:三七花茶含有丰富的人生皂苷,能抵抗疲劳,清除体内自由基,具有抗衰老、美容养颜的作用。

8. **止血抗癌**:三七花蕾茶的三七素具有止血、抗癌的作用,对高血脂、高血压等有舒缓作用。

9. **提高免疫力**:三七花茶能够提高免疫力,加强对细菌和病毒的抵抗力。

10. **美容养颜**:三七花茶中的三七皂苷成分有助于减少自由基,从而起到美容养颜的效果。



1. **促发育**:黄喉含有丰富的蛋白质,这些蛋白质对于青少年的生长发育至关重要,能够帮助身体构建和修复组织,促进身体的健康成长。

2. **提高免疫力**:黄喉中含有较高的血红素,这种物质能够增强机体的免疫力,提高身体对各种细菌和病毒的抵抗力,有助于病情的恢复。

3. **补血**:黄喉富含铁元素,铁是血红蛋白的重要组成部分,适量食用黄喉有助于预防和改善缺铁性贫血。


4. **增加营养**:黄喉含有多种人体必需的营养成分,如蛋白质、脂肪等,有助于补充人体所需营养,提供能量。

5. **滋补养生**:根据中医理论,黄喉具有滋补和养生的作用,可以滋润人体阴津,适合需要滋补的人群食用。

6. **佐药作用**:在中医中,黄喉具有一定的佐药作用,可以辅助其他药物,将主要作用引导到特定经脉。

7. **食疗调理**:黄喉不仅可以作为食材,其功效还可以融入食疗中,通过不同的烹饪方法,如炖汤、炒食等,来调理身体。

8. **抗氧化和免疫调节**:虽然黄喉并非野生食用菌,但其所含有的某些成分,如多酚和花青素等,具有一定的抗氧化和免疫调节作用。


It was half a minute before Pepper regained her sight, but when she saw the situation clearly, she was stunned.

See her and goofy hug together and fall on the highway dozens of meters away from the explosion location. There is a shocking blood line behind Goofy. This blood line is as long as their flight path!
Obviously, Gao Fei’s body failed to resist the missile after strengthening, and his body was torn apart.
Looking down, I saw Goofy pale and weak.
"Officer Goofy!"
Pepper cried and leaned over to hold Goofy in her arms.
Goofy was calm and looked back at the blood frown way "lying trough? Is this injury serious enough? Dude, shouldn’t he finally die? "
Pepper’s tears rained down on Goofy’s face. She sobbed, "Officer Goofy, why did you save me? Why are you so stupid? "
Goofy comforted a smile. "Don’t be sad, it’s just death! It’s no big deal. I die. "
After dying for so long, I finally got what I wanted. Gao Feixin is still here. The only drawback is that the death is a bit ugly and I can’t be my last decent.
Pepper was moved and heartbroken when he saw Goofy dying.
"Goofy officer damn it is me, not you …"
Goofy didn’t mention it to her. You, me, whoever gets it will count!
"By the way, Pepper, I have a few last words to say." Goofy took a deep breath and said weakly.
Pepper quickly said, "I’ll listen to you and I’ll promise you whatever you want!" "
Goofy smiled. "It’s simple. I have a little girl. Her name is Carrie. She is a sensible child. The only drawback is gluttony … I hope you can help me raise her. She doesn’t like being adopted by strangers. Don’t let others adopt her or bully her …"
"Rest assured! Rest assured! I will treat her like my own daughter, "Pepper said while wiping away tears.
"Well … I have an uncle, Frank, and you …" Goofy mused, "Forget that old guy, don’t talk to him or he will take advantage of you."
Pepper quickly shook his head. "No, I will take care of Frank!"
"Aunt Wang and Aunt Wang’s daughter Jieqian in our neighborhood …" Gao Feiyue said that the weaker the sound, the less audible it was in the end.
Finally, Goofy slowly closed his eyes and said, "Mom and Dad are home …"
Pepper, however, roared in pain with goofy arms, and the piercing sound reached as far as the East River.
At the same time
There was a violent rock music in the distant sky, and a red and yellow steel trapeze came at a super-high speed …
When Goofy regained consciousness, he thought he must have gone home.
He couldn’t wait to find his parents with his eyes open.
However, at the sight of Gao Fei, Si froze.
Where the fuck is this?
What is bare around?
The surrounding environment looks like the moon’s surface is barren, and the distant sky is dark, and only at the end of the sky are a few dim stars flashing.
"What’s going on? Crossing the wrong place? This is not the earth, is it? It won’t cross the moon for me, will it? "
Goofy almost peed. Is this reliable? We agreed to cross home when we died? It’s a lie. This is!
"All you roll for me! If you don’t give me a statement today, I’ll scold you to death! " Goofy flustered and frustratedly said
However, before Tong could answer, a graceful woman suddenly appeared nearby.
This "by appearance" is not a rhetorical device, but by appearance, a woman suddenly appears before anything just now.
Goofy is shocked, why bring big changes to the living!
Take a closer look at this woman’s beauty! A hundred times more beautiful than any widowed sister, Wanda and Myra! Moreover, Goofy couldn’t tell what race she was, as if she had combined the advantages of all races.
This beautiful woman has green eyes and a hot figure. What’s more, she is dressed very cool and has a set of black than Ginny.
Goofy felt restless. It’s not right to eat chicken. It’s exciting
And at this moment, wearing a black than Ginny big beauty mouth.
"Hello, my pursuer, I met you in an unusual way because you are so pious."
Goofy is stupid when he listens.
What the hell?
Your suitor?
You met me in an unusual way?
What the hell is this?
Who is after you?
Who asked you to meet me?
Besides, you actually "meet" the word girl. You are shameless!
"Who the hell are you?" Goofy asked a face of Meng force.
Sexy younger sister charms a smile and twists her graceful waist. "I am death …"
Chapter 145 I put the death …
"I am death …"
Sexy sister proudly said her name, but her voice did not fall, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed. The surface of the original barren planet suddenly turned into a vast snow field, and the strange aurora lit up, which was dazzling.
Goofy was dumbfounded. This special effect is a bit awesome.

All eyes hesitate to twist a head to see Wu Yao.

Brother Owl stabbed Wu Yao’s neck with a knife for at least twenty or thirty years before he slowly stopped and lifted his right leg pants and wiped the blade.
"Oh … oh …!"
Wu Yao’s hands full of blood clutching his neck, his eyes wide open, and he kept pumping air into his mouth.
Brother Owl crouched down slowly and stared at him for a few seconds.
Wu Yao is conscious that he can dodge back when he sees Brother Owl facing his head for fear that the other party is stabbing him.
Owl elder brother smiled and wiped her face and splashed blood. She leaned her head slowly and turned her neck to give ear to Wu Yaoqing and asked, "Who are you?" Come and tell me who you are? "
Wu Yao stared at his eyes and thumped, but he didn’t move after he fell to the ground and twitched all over.
The blood melts and the snow slowly expands.
Brother Xiao got up and turned his head and patted Dajun on the cheek and said with an expression, "Go back and continue to raise money for me. I will still find you!"
Say that finish owl elder brother wrapped in a military coat stepped out of his car.
Dozens of seconds later, the old car left, and more than 20 people were still stupefied.
"Finished … finished about big" gentleman shivering at Wu Yao murmured.
Barbie’s murder case was dragged on for four months, followed by Qin Yu’s continuous investigation for a week. A dozen people led the case-handling team upside down day and night to consolidate all the evidence, and Li Si and Deputy Director Dong supported it, but in the end they failed to get anything from Wu Yao!
At this moment, an owl who is more fierce than Wu Yao can’t put Wu Wensheng in his eyes was born!
He didn’t leave the program, he didn’t talk about evidence, and he did it in less than 20 seconds. Anyone can endure this, Wu Yao!
Chapter one hundred and sixty-five Don’t miss the opportunity, elder brother
peaceful and tranquil
Wu Wensheng looked at the neck stabbed as stiff as honeycomb briquette, lying in the morgue bed with dull expression and dilated eyes and pupils.
Yuan Ke Yin face with words to drink and asked, "Where is the peace? You tell me the specific address … has his father passed? Ok, that’s it. "
Hang up and look at Yuan Ke with a bald head and ask, "Is it peaceful in the district hospital?"
"Yes" Yuan Ke nodded.
"I wonder if it’s not me … why isn’t he?" Bald and blank-faced, "Didn’t people just get released from the superintendent’s office? How did they get into peace directly?"
Yuan Keyu frowned for a long time and replied, "I heard that a few unfamiliar faces were killed with knives because of selling guns for money."
"He is also the boss’s size. Is he still handling the gun payment personally?" Bald still can’t figure out "how much is it, millions?"
"ten thousand"
"How much? Wan? !” Bald expression consternation "zha that ten thousand dollars to print his head? Isn’t this a fucking psycho? The contradiction of ten thousand dollars is still the whole life? "
"It’s not about money, it’s about being B-loaded, and I’m particularly angry." Yuan Keqing explained, "I specifically asked someone in Wu Yao and told them that they wanted money, but Wu Yao not only didn’t give it back, but they stabbed him in the neck as soon as they took out their knives."
"… these two years they are really too gone with the wind." Bald intervened and replied, "After Wu Wensheng was elected as the chief councillor, Jiangnan District, but all the jobs that earned big money were done by them. Wu Yao was used to being praised at ordinary times and didn’t know who he was after drinking a little wine."
"He’s too fragile." Yuan Ke was very angry. "I just talked with him about the joint business, and the goods were all laid, but he suddenly rose to heaven. Mom, our luck is really bad this year."
"What do you think of him without you?" Car Xiao JIU asked 1
"We can eat two of the five major areas of Songjiang now," Yuan Keqing replied. "To meet the sales quota of Longxing, we must enter Jiangnan, and it is very important that Wu Wensheng has a hard political background in Jiangnan. If he can play with us, Xing Pang will reassess our influence in Songjiang."
"Wu Yao is easy to talk about, but Wu Wensheng is a wily old fox." Bald thoughtfully said after a long time, "It’s not good to say whether a small man can continue to get along with us."
"Say, we have to take this opportunity to walk with Lao Wuqin." Yuan Ke squinted and turned to look out of the window and said, "If we can dig out the man who killed his son and avenge him, it will be easy to talk about the rest."
"Difficult" Xiao Jiu shook his head and replied, "Killing Ray didn’t care about Wu Yao’s identity at all, which means they are probably from outside the area, but now something has happened and people may have run away early."
"Do your best to listen to your destiny," Yuan Ke stepped in and responded. "Should you have a close attitude or not?"
"Well" Xiao Jiu nodded.
After about twenty minutes.
Wu Wensheng was helped out of Taiping, followed by many Jiangnan police officers and some social friends.
Car stagnation Yuan Ke and others pushed the door and rushed to the head and walked past.
Wu Wensheng saw his one eye also really can’t afford to greet.
"I also just heard that Wu Shu … I’m sorry for your loss." Yuan Ke said before his expression was sad.
Wu Wensheng feels that it is difficult to breathe at the moment, but he can also cheer up and look back at the people and say, "… I … I went back to everything and thank you again after these two days."

In addition to the driver, the three men immediately pushed the door and pushed the car. At this time, Cheryl Lille also came for nothing. These people came to save themselves from deliberately bowing their heads and showed no abnormalities.

"Hello, sir!" Three people made a ceremony at each other.
"Your unit?" With beside Zhu Wei police officer asked 1.
"We are Longpo superintendent, who just came back with the prisoner at the scene." Zhang Tian immediately replied.
The policeman glanced at the car. "Just one person?"
"Yes!" Zhang Tian nodded
"Are there any prisoners in the back car?" The police officer asked, pointing to the rear police car.
"No!" Chapter day shook his head.
"So many of you bet on one prisoner?" There’s something strange about the police officer
"It is the director who said that this person is more important. Let’s take him first!" Zhang Tian corresponds to such a flow.
"ah!" The policeman nodded and asked, "How is the prison?"
"The fire is quite big. It is estimated that it can’t be controlled." Zhang Tian shook his head and replied, "All prisoners have been released."
"Did Director Fu arrive at the scene?"
"I didn’t see it." I don’t know who said it was and shook my head.
"Ok, you pay attention to Anha!" The police officer charged 1
"Yes, sir!"
The three men saluted again and behaved very prudently, which means that their acting skills are also the same, but the other party is a senior officer of the police headquarters and they are ordinary police officers of the district superintendent. The level difference is 100 thousand miles, so the performance is too nervous, but no one will suspect it.
After the police turned and left, two fire engines also passed through the intersection, and one went out first before the command was wrong.
Zhang Tian glanced at the intersection and turned and said, "Go!"
Just then Blue Eye suddenly stopped. "Boss, we missed it!"
"Leaked?" Chapter day some doubts.
"There is no one in the police car opposite!" Blue eyes stared at the small car diagonally opposite the road and whispered, "Look, the driver is not in the cab!"
Chapter day suddenly look back.
The policeman who talked with three people just now in front of the road heard someone shouting on the left street and turned his head immediately.
Zhu Wei leaned against the wall at the corner of the street and waved his hand. "Come here!"
Police officers dazed a immediately stepped up in the past "what’s the matter? !”
"They’re not police officers. I’ve seen them blind!" Zhu Wei recognized each other at a glance when he was in the blue-eyed car. Although it passed nearly three months ago, his image was too special. The blue-eyed figure was strong and his physical signs were very obvious. "What did they say just now?"
"It is said that the prisoner was taken to Longpo Superintendent!"
"Who is the bet?" Zhu Wei immediately asked.
"Good … I really want to be kirill. I think the prisoner’s hair in the car is yellow and he is missing an arm." The police officer answered after thinking.
"This is the fucking cause of the fire!" Zhu Wei glanced at the opposite side and immediately ordered "Call for backup quickly!"
Zhang Tian, at the intersection across the street, paused briefly and said, "If you want a gun, you can’t drag it! Take the car first! "
Blue eyes and another man do the same.
Zhang Tian dragged the car door and bent down to sit in the co-pilot and picked up the walkie-talkie at the first time. "Old Five assumes that the fire driver is preparing the car …!"

Once the magic thing appears, the harm is far greater than the demon ghost flow.

Therefore, powerful magic objects are naturally imitated by human beings, so magic power was born.
However, when the magic power appeared, the enemy set off a blood shed in the Ministry of Human Resources.
The magic magic method has the strange characteristics of magic objects, and all practitioners are bound to suffer from magic gas erosion, which can suppress different magic gas erosion and can be reversed by blocking methods.
Once you practice magic skills, you will become a humanoid monster. What’s more, magic practice can promote yourself by devouring the same kind, which makes them slaughter human beings crazily.
The magic is the public enemy of mankind, and everyone will kill it. The type is more hated than the heterogeneous one.
However, magic power is not for everyone to practice, but must be cast by the magic ceremony and the bloody method itself
Once the magic body is cast, it can quickly rise to the level comparable to the innate strong through magic power, which is also the reason that attracts many people to throw themselves into the magic road like moths to a flame.
However, the exorcism ceremony is often extremely demanding, and everyone shouts that they can’t hide it. The number of magic exercises is rare.
The ancestors of Ganling Pill, as recorded in the ancient books of Ganling Pill, were a powerful magic, and the cultivation of magic power was a powerful ratio of six poles of true magic power.
If you want to cast a six-pole magic body, you can practice this magic power, absorb five poles and expand your center pole. Every time you practice, you must count five.
The same is true of the demon-lowering ceremony, which can only be completed if the quintuplets born when the moon is cloudy and the sun is cloudy are sacrificed to summon five concentric demons to come.
This condition was not difficult to be directly solved by artificial insemination test-tube babies in previous lives, but this life is completely different. Without this technology, it would be quite harsh to rely on artificial people!
For generations, Ganling Pill failed to find a sacrifice that met the requirements, and this time Yu Guihai calculated that the expected date of birth of a mother happened to be the lunar month of a cloudy year.
At the right time, I’m afraid that the imperial doctor of Ganling Pill must have the means to adjust the expected date of delivery to make it just when the sun is cloudy.
It is inferred that Ganling Pill intends to return to the sea with fear and happiness.
I’m afraid I found out early and got rid of this Lao, otherwise I will be in great trouble.
Fortunately, my mother meets the requirements, otherwise she would have been poisoned by Ganling Pill.
"This world is really full of weird things."
Yu Guihai gave a nerve-racking scolding. With a wave of his hand, a pale flame ignited and everything in the corpse room of the two men was burned to ashes.
Then he came to an obscure wing, and the ancient book Ganling Pill recorded that there was a secret room here.
He stretched out his hand toward the ground, pressed it, and the ground collapsed into a big black hole.
Yu Guihai waved a yin fire and lit up the ground.
A circular altar is the most conspicuous. The ancient books of the evil five-pointed star array are exactly the same. There are some tiny human bones scattered around the corners. Obviously, Ganling Pill has been tried but failed.
"Damn it!"
I returned to the sea and a dark fire flew out, burning everything in the hole to ashes. When he left, everything in Ganling Pill’s house was destroyed by his dark fire.
He wants to destroy the traces of the magic way so that others can take them away, and he also wants to erase his own traces so that the rest of the family will invite disaster.
Yu Guihai wandered around outside for a circle, and went to visit Cui Zhoumu first. As it happens, he hasn’t left yet. The new Zhou Mu was delayed by something, and Cui Zhoumu received him with great enthusiasm.
It’s already half noon after eating the booze from Cui Zhoumu.
He went to Tianjing Chamber of Commerce to meet Hao Tianzhen, president of Fish Gyeongju Branch, and chatted until dusk before going home.
When I got home, Yu Guihai went to my parents’ residence to visit my parents.
"Haier, where did you go that day? Niang want to talk to you didn’t find "Zhao Yun saw the son happy and some lightly chastising.
"Mother, don’t blame me for visiting Cui Zhoumu and President Hao of the Chamber of Commerce, who ate at Cui Zhoumu at noon." Yu Guihai apologized.
"Should also be Cui Zhoumu is very caring for President Hao at home and very friendly" Zhao Yun laughed.
"Haier, your fish soup is really a tube. Your mother has been in good spirits all day and her body has regained vitality. Can you get that kind of fish? Give your mother a drink again and again, "Yu Renlong suddenly said.
"I won’t drink it this time, and I’ll be cured. I won’t repeat it. Although the fish soup is good, my mother’s strength is a little low, so I can’t make too much," Yu Guihai explained
"It’s good to recover." Yu Renlong finally felt at ease.
A fire broke out in the city that night, and the huge courtyard of the dry doctor in the city was burned to the ruins.
The state animal husbandry government sent people to explore, but they didn’t find the dry doctor’s bones. There are rumors in the workshop that it is a dry doctor’s private anatomy and practice of living people’s medical skills. Now he has escaped and set his own house on fire to destroy the evidence.
Of course, few people believe this kind of talk.
However, many people know that the dry doctor will leave the cloud in the near future, and most people think that he has left home, and as a result, his family took care of the fire and was burned
Chapter 334 Spirit Ghost
The night is deep and the wind whistling, and the candlelight on the table occasionally flashes with a cold wind leaking in.
After the candle burns, I look up and let go of the ancient books.
This ancient book of Ganling Pill was carefully read by him for several times, and there was no other information except those pages in the magic work record.
What Yu Guihai is worried about is whether there is any magic repair organization behind Ganling Pill. In that case, although Ganling Pill was destroyed by him, it would not cause any trouble.
What’s more, if anyone knows that these five concentric demons are similar to the practice, his family will still be in trouble.
Yu Guihai has privately told his parents never to tell anyone about the quintuplets, even if they have children. When the time comes, they should hide how many they have, at most, saying that they have three children, and the other two can hide it for as long as they can.
Anyway, try not to let the quintuplets out.
After all, quintuplets are so rare in this world that it is absolutely rare to go out and disturb the whole Beicang House.
In addition, Yu Guihai also specially calculated that when the sun is cloudy, he told his parents not to gather together as much as possible, otherwise the quintuplets would be amazing enough, and another special life would not kill his brother!
"Forget it. I don’t want to."
Yu Guihai shook his head. He has done what he can. There should be no more problems. When his mother gives birth, he must come back and make sure that nothing is wrong again.
Yu Guihai picked up the ancient book and collected it as soon as it was released. The ancient book was instantly turned into dust and was quickly burned to ashes by a wind.
In that a magic charm is what he left behind.
Yu Guihai stayed at home for a few days and visited an old friend’s reception city. Some leading figures visited for a few days before they came to leisure.